Fruupp 1973 Future Legends - 08 Future Legends
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Fruupp 1973 Future Legends - 08 Future Legends - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Future Legends (Dawn Records, 1973)

01 Future Legends (1:27)
02 Decision (6:21)
03 As Day Breaks With Dawn (4:58)
04 Graveyard Epistle (6:14)
05 Lord of the Incubus (6:20)
06 Olde Tyme Future (5:33)
07 Song For A Thought (7:25)
08 Future Legends (0:47)

Записано в Искейп, Кент, июль 1973 года. Выпущено 5 октября 1973 года
Продюсер: Денис Тейлор (Denis «it’llallworkoutinthemix» Taylor)
Звукооператор: Тони Тавернер (Tony Taverner)
Композиции написаны Винсентом МакКаскером (с Полом Чарлзом (Paul Charles) в качестве сокомпозитора композиции «Graveyard Epistle») и аранжированы Винсентом МакКастером и Стивеном Хьюстоном
Pye Records (DNLS 3053 ® 1973)
- Peter Farrelly / bass, flute, vocals
- Martin Foye / drums, percussion
- Stephen Houston / keyboards, oboe, vocals
- Vincent McCusker / acoustic & electric guitars, vocals
Future Legends (Dawn Records, 1973)

01 Future Legends (1:27)
02 Decision (6:21)
03 AS DAY BREAKS with Dawn (4:58)
04 Graveyard Epistle (6:14)
05 Lord of the Incubus (6:20)
06 Olde Tyme Future (5:33)
07 Song for a Though (7:25)
08 Future Legends (0:47)

Recorded in a senip, Kent, July 1973. Released on October 5, 1973
Producer: Denis Taylor (Denis "It’llworkoutinthemix" Taylor)
Sound operator: Tony Taverner (Tony Taverner)
The compositions were written by Vincent McCascascker (with Paul Charles as a socialist composition “Graveyard Epistle”) and are arranged by Vincent McCaster and Stephen Houston
PYE Records (DNLS 3053 ® 1973)
- Peter Farrelly / Bass, Flute, Vocals
- Martin Foye / Drums, Percussion
- Vincent McCusker / Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Vocals
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