Корнилов Игорь - Голубой поток.
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Корнилов Игорь - Голубой поток. - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

1)В белых жарких песках
И на севере крайнем,
Понимая друг друга,
Словно братья ,без слов,
И без просьбы плечо,
Как всегда подставляя,
Они дарят нам щедро
И свет,и тепло.

Снежно-белый Ямал,
Опоясанный вьюгой,
Шельфы северных дальних
И суровых морей.
Выбирают они
Эти трудные будни,
Чтобы стало нам всем
И теплей,и светлей.

Голубой поток-
Запад и Восток,
С Севера на Юг,
Через всю планету.
Пусть стремится наш
Голубой поток,
Чтоб хватало всем
И тепла, и света.

2)Знаешь,это не просто
Лишь богатства природы.
И в нетканый платок,
Как мечта голубой,
Многих жизни вплелись,
Дни ,недели и годы,
Тех, кто с вами своей
Поделился душой.


3)В ярком свете,что ночью
Зажигается в окнах,
Отгоняя сомненья
И тревоги, и страх,
И в домах ваших теплых,
Вы поверьте,так много
Их сердец неспокойных
Живого тепла.

1) in white hot sands
And in the north extreme,
Understanding each other
Like brothers, without words,
And without a request, the shoulder
As always substituting
They give us generously
And light and warmth.

Snow-white yamal
Surrounded by a blizzard
The shelves of the northern distant ones
And the harsh seas.
They choose
These difficult everyday life,
To make us all
And warmth and brighter.

Blue stream-
West and East,
From North to South,
Through the entire planet.
Let ours seek
Blue stream,
So that everyone is enough
And warmth and light.

2) You know, it's not easy
Only the wealth of nature.
And in a non -woven scarf
Like a blue dream
Many lives have been weaved,
Days, weeks and years,
Those who are with you
He shared his soul.


3) in a bright light that at night
Healed in the windows,
Driving doubts
And anxiety and fear,
And in your warm houses,
You believe, so many
Their hearts are troubled
Live warmth.

1) in white hot sands
And in the north extreme,
Understanding each other
Like brothers, without words,
And without a request, the shoulder
As always substituting
They give us generously
And light and warmth.

Snow-white yamal
Surrounded by a blizzard
The shelves of the northern distant ones
And the harsh seas.
They choose
These difficult everyday life,
To make us all
And warmth and brighter.

Blue stream-
West and East,
From North to South,
Through the entire planet.
Let ours seek
Blue stream,
So that everyone is enough
And warmth and light.

2) You know, it's not easy
Only the wealth of nature.
And in a non -woven scarf
Like a blue dream
Many lives have been weaved,
Days, weeks and years,
Those who are with you
He shared his soul.


3) in a bright light that at night
Healed in the windows,
Driving doubts
And anxiety and fear,
And in your warm houses,
You believe, so many
Their hearts are troubled
Live warmth.


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