Музы - худу
текст песни


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Музы - худу - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Come into my life
Regress into a dream
We will hide,
Build a new reality.

Draw another picture
Of the life you could have had
Follow your instincts
And choose the other path

You should never be afraid
You're protected from trouble and pain
Why, why is this a crisis
In your eyes again?

Taught to be,
How did it come to be,
Tied to a railroad?
You'll have to set us free

Watch our souls fade away
Let our bodies crumble away
Don't be afraid
I will take the cold for you

And I've had recurring nightmares
That I was loved for who I am
And missed the opportunity
To be a better man

Войди в мою жизнь,
Превратись обратно в сон,
Мы спрячемся
И построим новую реальность.

Нарисуй еще одну картину
Жизни, которая могла бы у тебя быть.
Следуй своим инстинктам
И выбери вторую дорогу.

Тебе никогда не нужно бояться,
Ты защищена от проблем и боли.
Почему по твоим глазам я снова вижу,
Что ты переживаешь переломный момент?

Нас учили быть,
Как же мы оказались
Привязанными к железнодорожному пути?
Тебе придется освободить нас.

Следи за тем, как меркнут наши души,
Пусть разрушаются наши тела,
Не бойся,
Я приму холод вместо тебя.

Мне снился один и тот же кошмар
О том, что меня любили таким, какой я есть,
А я упустил возможность
Стать лучше...
Come Into My Life
Regress Into a Dream
We Will Hide,
Build a New Reality.

DRAW Another Picture
Of the Life You COULD HAVE HAD
Follow Your Instins
And Choose The Other Path

You Shoup Never Be Afraid
You're Protected from Trouble and Pain
Who, this a crisis
In your eyes again?

Taure to be,
How different it com to be,
Tied to a Railroad?
You'll have to set us free

Watch Oour Souls Fade Away
Let Oour Bodies Crumble Away
Donmet Be Afraid
I Will Take The Cold for You

And i've Had Recurring Nightmares
That I was love for when I am
And Missed the Opportunity
To be a better man

Enter my life
Turn back into a dream
We will hide
And we will build a new reality.

Draw another picture
Life that could have.
Follow your instincts
And choose the second road.

You never need to be afraid
You are protected from problems and pain.
Why do I see again in your eyes
What are you experiencing a turning point?

We were taught to be
How did we find ourselves
Tied to the railway track?
You will have to free us.

Watch how our souls fade,
Let our bodies destroy,
Don't be afraid,
I will accept the cold instead of you.

I dreamed the same nightmare
That they loved me as I am,
And I missed the opportunity
Become better...

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