Пратчетт Терри - 2.Безумная звезда
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Пратчетт Терри - 2.Безумная звезда - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

ц Плоский мир =Discworld [Плоскомирье] 8.97 (861)
1пц Ринсвинд, Коэн и волшебники =Rincewind 8.64 (655)
1 Цвет волшебства =The Colour of Magic (1983) 7.89 (1815)
2 Безумная звезда =The Light Fantastic (1986) 8.27 (1309)
3 Посох и шляпа =Sourcery (1988) 8.29 (995)
4 Эрик =Eric (1990) 8.23 (742)
5 + Мост троллей =The Troll Bridge[Тролль под мостом] (1992) 8.29 (619)
6 Интересные времена =Interesting Times (1994) 8.72 (725)
7 Последний континент =The Last Continent (1998) 8.36 (660)
8 + The Science of Discworld (1999)/Соав:Йен Стюарт, Джек Коэн 8.36 (66)
9 Последний герой =The Last Hero (2001) [+ Стража] 8.76 (516)
10 + The Science of Discworld II: The Globe (2002)/Соав:Йен Стюарт, Джек Коэн 8.47 (38)
11 + The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch (2005)/Соав:Йен Стюарт, Джек Коэн 8.45 (31)
12 + A Collegiate Casting-Out of Devilish Devices[Академический экзорцизм в отдельно взятом Университете] (2005) 8.36 (50)
13 Unseen Academicals[Невиданное университетское одеяние; Невидимые академики] (2009) 8.52 (87)
2пц Ведьмы =Witches 8.96 (508)
1 Творцы заклинаний =Equal Rites (1987) [+ волшебники] 8.22 (890)
2 Вещие сестрички =Wyrd Sisters (1988) 8.47 (793)
3 Ведьмы за границей =Witches Abroad (1991) 8.73 (743)
4 Дамы и Господа =Lords and Ladies (1992) [+ волшебники] 8.75 (639)
5 Маскарад =Maskerade (1995) 8.68 (605)
6 + Море и рыбки =The Sea and Little Fishes (1998) 8.43 (502)
7 Carpe Jugulum. Хватай за горло! =Carpe Jugulum (1998) 8.71 (487)
8 + Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (1999)/Соав:Тина Ханнан, Стивен Бриггс, Пол Кидби 8.46 (57)
9пц + Тиффани Эйкинг =Tiffany Aching 8.67 (105)
1 The Wee Free Men[The Wee Free Men: The Beginning =Вольный народец; Маленький свободный народ] (2003) 8.81 (113)
2 A Hat Full of Sky[Шляпа, полная небес] (2004) 8.92 (123)
3 Wintersmith[Зимних дел мастер] (2006) 8.77 (109)
4 I Shall Wear Midnight[Я надену чёрное] (2010) 8.82 (61)
3пц Смерть =Death 9.08 (592)
1 Мор, ученик Смерти =Mort (1987) 8.51 (1298)
2 Мрачный Жнец =Reaper Man (1991) [+ волшебники] 8.79 (936)
3 Роковая музыка =Soul Music[Соул — музыка души] (1994) [+ волшебники] 8.61 (746)
4 Санта-Хрякус =Hogfather (1996) [+ волшебники] 8.82 (812)
5 Вор времени =Thief of Time (2001) [+ монахи времени] 8.80 (398)
6 + Death and What Comes Next[Смерть и что случается после] (2002) 8.38 (144)
4пц Городская Стража =City Watch 9.21 (615)
1 Стража! Стража! =Guards! Guards! (1989) 8.69 (1410)
2 + Театр жестокости =Theatre of Cruelty (1993) 7.73 (451)
3 К оружию! К оружию! =Men at Arms[В доспехах и с оружием] (1993) 8.89 (1097)
4 Ноги из глины =Feet of Clay (1996) 8.87 (840)
5 Патриот =Jingo (1997) 8.87 (735)
6 Пятый элефант =The Fifth Elephant[Пятый слон] (1999) 8.89 (698)
7 Ночная Стража =Night Watch (2002) [+ монахи времени] 9.10 (458)
8 Thud![Бум!; Бац!] (2005) 9.05 (211)
9 + Where Is My Cow?[Где моя корова?] (2005) 8.68 (59)
10 Snuff (2011) 8.90 (29)
11 + The World of Poo (2012) 8.75 (4)
5пц Мойст фон Липвиг =Moist von Lipwig 9.03 (125)
1 Going Postal[Опочтарение] (2004) 8.97 (267)
2 Making Money[Делай деньги] (2007) 8.71 (183)
3 Raising Taxes, не окончено
6сб Отдельные произведения
1 Пирамиды =Pyramids (1989) 8.18 (589)
2 Движущиеся картинки =Moving Pictures (1990) [+ волшебники] 8.37 (625)
3 Мелкие боги =Small Gods[Малые боги; Маленькие боги] (1992) [+ монахи времени] 8.86 (714)
4 Правда =The Truth (2000) [+ Стража] 8.93 (618)
5 The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents[Удивительный Морис и его просвещенные грызуны; Удивительный Морис и его ученые грызуны] (2001) 8.86 (80)
6 Monstrous Regiment[Монстрячий взвод] (2003) [+ Стража] 8.51 (118)
7сб Дополнительные материалы
1 The Discworld Companion[The New Discworld Companion] (1994)/Соав:Стивен Бриггс 8.38 (8)
2 The Arts of Falconrie and Hawking, A Begginners Guide (1998)/Соав:Дэвид Ходжес 9.00 (3)
3 Medical Not
C to the Flat World = Discworld [Ploskomieri] 8.97 (861)
1PC Rinsvind, Cohen and Wizards = Rincewind 8.64 (655)
1 Color of magic = The Color of Magic (1983) 7.89 (1815)
2 Mad star = The Light Fantastic (1986) 8.27 (1309)
3 Staff and Hat = Sourcery (1988) 8.29 (995)
4 Eric = Eric (1990) 8.23 (742)
5 + troll bridge = The Troll Bridge [troll under the bridge] (1992) 8.29 (619)
6 Interesting times = Interesting Times (1994) 8.72 (725)
7 Last continent = The Last Continent (1998) 8.36 (660)
8 + The Science of Discworld (1999)/Soav: Ian Stuart, Jack Cohen 8.36 (66)
9 Last hero = The Last Hero (2001) [+ Guard] 8.76 (516)
10 + The Science of Discworld II: The Globe (2002)/Soav: Ien Stuart, Jack Cohen 8.47 (38)
11 + The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch (2005)/Soav: Ian Stuart, Jack Cohen 8.45 (31)
12 + A Collegiate Casting -out of Devilish Devices [Academic exorcism at a single university] (2005) 8.36 (50)
13 Unseen Academicals [unprecedented university robe; Invisible academics] (2009) 8.52 (87)
2PC Witches = Witches 8.96 (508)
1 Creators of Spells = Equal Rities (1987) [+ Wizards] 8.22 (890)
2 prophetic sisters = WYRD Sisters (1988) 8.47 (793)
3 Witches abroad = Witches Abroad (1991) 8.73 (743)
4 ladies and gentlemen = lords and ladies (1992) [+ wizards] 8.75 (639)
5 Masquerade = Maskerade (1995) 8.68 (605)
6 + sea and fish = The Sea and Little Fishes (1998) 8.43 (502)
7 Carpe Jugulum. Grab the throat! = Carpe Jugulum (1998) 8.71 (487)
8 + nanny ogg's cookbook (1999)/Soav: Tina Hannan, Stephen Briggs, Paul Kidby 8.46 (57)
9PC + Tiffany Eiking = Tiffany Aching 8.67 (105)
1 The Wee Free Men [The Wee Free Men: The Beginning = Free People; Little free people] (2003) 8.81 (113)
2 A Hat Full of Sky [Hat full of heaven] (2004) 8.92 (123)
3 Wintersmith [Wizard Master] (2006) 8.77 (109)
4 I Shall Wear Midnight [I will put on black] (2010) 8.82 (61)
3PC Death = Death 9.08 (592)
1 Mor, a student of death = Mort (1987) 8.51 (1298)
2 gloomy reaper = Reaper Man (1991) [+ Wizards] 8.79 (936)
3 fatal music = soul music [Soul - Music of the Soul] (1994) [+ Wizards] 8.61 (746)
4 Santa-Khryakus = Hogfather (1996) [+ Wizards] 8.82 (812)
5 thief of time = Thief of time (2001) [+ Time Monks] 8.80 (398)
6 + Death and What Comes Next [death and what happens after] (2002) 8.38 (144)
4PC City Guard = City Watch 9.21 (615)
1 guard! Guard! = Guards! Guards! (1989) 8.69 (1410)
2 + Theater of cruelty = Theater of Cruelty (1993) 7.73 (451)
3 to weapons! To the weapon! = Men at Arms [in armor and with weapons] (1993) 8.89 (1097)
4 legs made of clay = Feet of Clay (1996) 8.87 (840)
5 Patriot = Jingo (1997) 8.87 (735)
6 Fifth Elephant = The Fifth Elephant [Fifth Elephant] (1999) 8.89 (698)
7 Night Guide = Night Watch (2002) [+ Time Monks] 9.10 (458)
8 Thud! [Boom!; BAC!] (2005) 9.05 (211)
9 + What is my cow? [Where is my cow?] (2005) 8.68 (59)
10 SNUFF (2011) 8.90 (29)
11 + The World of Poo (2012) 8.75 (4)
5PC Moyst von Lipvig = Moist von Lipwig 9.03 (125)
1 Going Postal [Surgery] (2004) 8.97 (267)
2 MAKING MONEY [do money] (2007) 8.71 (183)
3 Raising Taxes, not over
6SB separate works
1 pyramids = pyramids (1989) 8.18 (589)
2 moving pictures = moving pictures (1990) [+ wizards] 8.37 (625)
3 Small gods = Small Gods [Small gods; Little gods] (1992) [+ Time Monks] 8.86 (714)
4 Truth = The Truth (2000) [+ Guard] 8.93 (618)
5 The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents [amazing Maurice and his enlightened rodents; Amazing Maurice and his scientific rodents] (2001) 8.86 (80)
6 monstrous regiment [Monster platoon] (2003) [+ Guard] 8.51 (118)
7SB additional materials
1 The Discworld Companion [The New Discworld Companion] (1994)/Soav: Stephen Briggs 8.38 (8)
2 The Arts of Falconrie and Hawking, a Begginners Guide (1998)/Soav: David Hodges 9.00 (3)
3 medical not
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