Равана - Шива Тандава Стротра
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Равана - Шива Тандава Стротра - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео
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Обвитый вокруг шеи широкой гирляндой из змей, на которую ниспадает чистый поток воды, струящийся из леса спутанных волос, извлекая из дамару[1] звук ДАМАТ, ДАМАТ, ДАМАТ, ДАМАТ, Шива танцует неистовый танец тандаву, да принесет Он нам Благо! |1|
mama || 2||;
К (Господу Шиве), Носящему молодой месяц на макушке, Чьи спутанные волосы размываются потоками небесной реки, ниспадающими на Его царственную голову, из лба которого извергается пламя огня, издающее звук ДХАГАТ, ДХАГАТ, ДХАГАТ каждый миг (обращена) моя любовь. |2|
Да возрадуется ум мой (Шиве) в Чидамбаре, Погруженному в игру с возлюбленной дочерью Владыки гор (Парвати), Обладающему Сияющим ореолом, Радующему умы существ, Прекращающему милостивым взглядом труднопреодолимые несчастья. |3|
Да удержится ум мой в радостном удивлении перед Владыкой существ, Чью шею обвивает, как лиана, змея, с сияющим красным драгоценным камнем в диадеме, чей возлюбленный лик, умащенный жасмином и кункумом, виднеется повсюду, Кто покрыт шкурой, содранной с бешенного слона. |4 |
Да породит продолжительное процветание Носящий на макушке родственника птицы чакора (луну), Облаченный в красную гирлянду из змей, Носящий скрученные волосы, Чьи стопы красны от потока пыльцы, осыпающейся с цветов, украшающих головы склоненных в ряд богов, начиная с Тысячеокого (Индры)! |5|
Да наделит нас совершенствами (Шива), чьи развевающиеся волосы поглотили бога любви, испепеляемого пламенем вырвавшимся изо лба, перед Кем склоняются небожители, и кто носит в волосах луну, источающую нектар. |6|
Моя любовь — к Трехокому (Богу), Испепелившему (бога Любви), вооруженного пятью (стрелами), огнем, вырвавшимся из Его лба со звуком «ДХАГАД, ДХАГАД, ДХАГАД», Единственному из художников, способному изобразить прекрасные узоры на груди Дочери гор. |7|
Да (наделит нас) процветанием (Шива), несущий бремя вселенной, Украшенный луной, с шеей, темной, как луна новолуния, окруженная облаками, носящий красную шкуру, омываемый небесной рекой (Гангой). |8|
Я поклоняюсь (Шиве), Чья шея, освещенная храмовыми светильниками, сияет славой распустившихся синих лотосов, темных (как грехи мира), Губителю Смары, разрушителю Трипуры, Разрушителю (мирского) бытия, разрушителю жертвоприношения, Убийце слона, убийце Андхаки, Уничтожителю Ямы. |9|
Я поклоняюсь (Шиве), Наиискуснейшему в искусстве составления букетов из цветов кадамба, привлекающих со всех сторон пчел своим сладостным нектаром, Губителю Смары, разрушителю Трипуры, Разрушителю (мирского) бытия, разрушителю жертвоприношения, убийце слона, убийце Андхаки, Уничтожителю Ямы. |10|
Господь Шива танцует неистовый танец тандава, двигаясь в такт звукам барабана ДХИМИ ДХИМИ ДХИМИ, над головой его струится пламя из змей, извивающихся в кружении славного танца в небесах. |11
Когда я буду поклоняться Садашиве, Который равно, как на траву, взирает лотосными очами на друзей и врагов, подданных и царя, драгоценности и комья грязи, гирлянду и змею, и различные вещи соприкасающиеся в мире? |12|
Когда стану я счастлив, произнося Шива-мантру, живя в рощах, пещерах, омываемых небесной Гангой, свободный от невежества ходящий всегда с поднесенными ко лбу сложенными руками, и дрожащими веками? |13|
Человек, постоянно читающий, памятующий и произносящий этот наилучший гимн, обретет постоянную чистоту, быстро обретет преданность Харе и Гуру. Нет иного пути для воплощенных к (свободе) от заблуждения, кроме как Созерцание Прекрасного Шамбху[2].|14|
Кто рано утром во время поклонения Шамбху читает эту песнь, изошедшую из десяти уст (Раваны), того Шамбху наделит непреходящей прекрасноликой Лакшми, колесницами, слонами и лошадьми. |15|
Так заканчивается Шива-тандава-стотра, сочиненная Раваной.
Surrounded around the neck with a wide garland of snakes, on which a pure stream of water flows, flowing from the forest of tangled hair, extracting from Damar [1] the sound of Damat, Damat, Damat, Damat, Shiva dancing the frantic dance to Tandava, may he bring us good! | 1 |
mama || 2 ||;
K (to the Lord Shiva), wearing a young month on the top of the head, whose tangled hair is blocked by streams of the heavenly river, falling on his royal head, from which the flame of fire emerges from the forehead, making the sound of dhagat, dhagat every moment (converted) my love. | 2 |
May I rejoice my mind (Shiva) in Chidambar, immersed in a game with the beloved daughter of the lord of the mountains (Parvati), who has a shining halo, pleasing to the minds of creatures, which ceases with a gracious look, difficult misfortunes. | 3 |
May my mind be held in joyful surprise in front of the lord of creatures, whose neck wraps up, like a liana, a snake, with a shining red precious stone in a diadem, whose lover face, intimidated by Jasmine and Kunkum, is visible everywhere, who is covered with a skin of a frantic elephant. | 4 |
May the princely be prosperous with a relative of the poultry of Chakora (moon), dressed in a red garland of snakes, wearing twisted hair, whose feet are red from the flower stream, decorated with flowers decorating the heads of the gods, starting from a thousand -year (Indra)! | 5 |
May he endow us with perfection (Shiva), whose fluttering hair absorbed the god of love, incinerated by the flame of the forehead of the forehead, in front of whom the celestials are inclined, and who wears the moon in the hair that exudes nectar. | 6 |
My love is to Trekhoko (God), incinerated (the god of love), armed with five (arrows), with a fire bursting out of his forehead with the sound “Dhagaga, Dhagad, Dhagad”, the only artists, capable of depicting beautiful patterns on the chest of the mountains. | 7 |
Yes (will endow us) with prosperity (shiva), bearing the burden of the Universe, decorated with a moon, with a neck, dark, like a new moon, surrounded by clouds, wearing a red skin, washed by a heavenly river (gangi). | 8 |
I worship (Shiva), whose neck, illuminated by temple lamps, shines with the glory of the blossomed blue lotuses, dark (like the sins of the world), the destroyer of the Tripura, the destroyer (worldly) being, the destroyer of the sacrifice, the murderer of the elephant, the killer of the Andhaki, the destroyer of the pit. | 9 |
I worship (Shiva), which is the highest in the art of compiling bouquets from Kadamba flowers, attracting bees from all sides with its sweet nectar, destroyer of Tripura, destroyer (worldly) being, destroyer of the victim, murderer of the elephant, the killer of Andhaki, the destroyer of the pit. | 10 |
The Lord Shiva dances the frantic dance of the Tandava, moving to the beat of the sounds of the drum with dhoma gulfs, a flame of snakes streams over his head, wriggling in the circle of glorious dance in heaven. | 11
When I will worship Sadashiva, who is equal to the grass, looks with lotus eyes on friends and enemies, subjects and king, jewelry and clods of dirt, garland and snake, and various things in contact in the world? | 12 |
When I will become happy, saying a shiva mantra, living in groves, caves washed by heavenly gangs, which always walks from ignorance, always with folded hands, and trembling centuries? | 13 |
A person who is constantly reading, remembering and pronouncing this best anthem will gain constant purity, will quickly gain devotion to hare and guru. There is no other way for (freedom) from error, except as the contemplation of the beautiful Shambhu [2]. | 14 |
Who early in the morning during the worship of Shambhu reads this song, which was out of ten lips (Ravana), that Shambhu gives him an enduring beautiful -leaved Lakshmi, chariots, elephants and horses. | 15 |
This ends Shiva-Tandava-Store, composed by Ravana.
mama || 2 ||;
K (to the Lord Shiva), wearing a young month on the top of the head, whose tangled hair is blocked by streams of the heavenly river, falling on his royal head, from which the flame of fire emerges from the forehead, making the sound of dhagat, dhagat every moment (converted) my love. | 2 |
May I rejoice my mind (Shiva) in Chidambar, immersed in a game with the beloved daughter of the lord of the mountains (Parvati), who has a shining halo, pleasing to the minds of creatures, which ceases with a gracious look, difficult misfortunes. | 3 |
May my mind be held in joyful surprise in front of the lord of creatures, whose neck wraps up, like a liana, a snake, with a shining red precious stone in a diadem, whose lover face, intimidated by Jasmine and Kunkum, is visible everywhere, who is covered with a skin of a frantic elephant. | 4 |
May the princely be prosperous with a relative of the poultry of Chakora (moon), dressed in a red garland of snakes, wearing twisted hair, whose feet are red from the flower stream, decorated with flowers decorating the heads of the gods, starting from a thousand -year (Indra)! | 5 |
May he endow us with perfection (Shiva), whose fluttering hair absorbed the god of love, incinerated by the flame of the forehead of the forehead, in front of whom the celestials are inclined, and who wears the moon in the hair that exudes nectar. | 6 |
My love is to Trekhoko (God), incinerated (the god of love), armed with five (arrows), with a fire bursting out of his forehead with the sound “Dhagaga, Dhagad, Dhagad”, the only artists, capable of depicting beautiful patterns on the chest of the mountains. | 7 |
Yes (will endow us) with prosperity (shiva), bearing the burden of the Universe, decorated with a moon, with a neck, dark, like a new moon, surrounded by clouds, wearing a red skin, washed by a heavenly river (gangi). | 8 |
I worship (Shiva), whose neck, illuminated by temple lamps, shines with the glory of the blossomed blue lotuses, dark (like the sins of the world), the destroyer of the Tripura, the destroyer (worldly) being, the destroyer of the sacrifice, the murderer of the elephant, the killer of the Andhaki, the destroyer of the pit. | 9 |
I worship (Shiva), which is the highest in the art of compiling bouquets from Kadamba flowers, attracting bees from all sides with its sweet nectar, destroyer of Tripura, destroyer (worldly) being, destroyer of the victim, murderer of the elephant, the killer of Andhaki, the destroyer of the pit. | 10 |
The Lord Shiva dances the frantic dance of the Tandava, moving to the beat of the sounds of the drum with dhoma gulfs, a flame of snakes streams over his head, wriggling in the circle of glorious dance in heaven. | 11
When I will worship Sadashiva, who is equal to the grass, looks with lotus eyes on friends and enemies, subjects and king, jewelry and clods of dirt, garland and snake, and various things in contact in the world? | 12 |
When I will become happy, saying a shiva mantra, living in groves, caves washed by heavenly gangs, which always walks from ignorance, always with folded hands, and trembling centuries? | 13 |
A person who is constantly reading, remembering and pronouncing this best anthem will gain constant purity, will quickly gain devotion to hare and guru. There is no other way for (freedom) from error, except as the contemplation of the beautiful Shambhu [2]. | 14 |
Who early in the morning during the worship of Shambhu reads this song, which was out of ten lips (Ravana), that Shambhu gives him an enduring beautiful -leaved Lakshmi, chariots, elephants and horses. | 15 |
This ends Shiva-Tandava-Store, composed by Ravana.