р. Б. Сергий Покровский - Акафист Святому Архангелу Рафаилу
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р. Б. Сергий Покровский - Акафист Святому Архангелу Рафаилу - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео
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Акафист святому Архангелу Рафаилу
Кондак 1
Избранный Богом от Воинства Небеснаго и низпосланный на землю в служение роду человеческому, святый Архангеле Рафаиле, целебниче недугов наших и молитвенниче о нас пред Господем, помози нам избавитися от бед, скорбей и болезней, с верою и любовию в похвалу тебе зовущим: Радуйся, Архангеле Божий Рафаиле, недугов наших целителю и усердный о нас молитвенниче.
Икос 1
Архангели, и Ангели, и вся Воинства Небесная, предстояще пред Престолом Святыя Троицы, непрестанно славословят Творца неба и земли; сними же и ты, славный Рафаиле, воспевая хвалебныя песни Вседержителю, молишися о нас, земнородных, похвальное пение приносящих тебе сицевое:
Радуйся, предстоящий Престолу Святыя Троицы.
Радуйся, со всеми Небесными Силами воспевающий Трисвятую песнь Богови.
Радуйся, на служение людем от Господа низпосылаемый.
Радуйся, волю Божию выну исполняющий.
Радуйся, Архангеле Божий Рафаиле, недугов наших целителю и усердный о нас молитвенниче.
Кондак 2
Видяще очесами веры силу и величие молниеноснаго зрака твоего, Архангеле Божий, мы, земнороднии, аще убо и грешнии, и недостойнии, обаче с любовию и благодарением дерзаем вкупе с тобою и со всеми святыми Ангелы взывати: Аллилуиа.
Икос 2
Разум чист и свободен от страстей испроси нам, Архангеле Божий Рафаиле, и не остави нас, беззащитных, в борьбе со грехом и соблазнами мира сего, да тобою от вечных мук избавляеми, в радости духовней воззовем ти сице:
Радуйся, безплотный воине Царя Небеснаго.
Радуйся, немощных целебниче и путешествующих покровителю.
Радуйся, слуго Господень, творящий волю своего Владыки.
Радуйся, приемый от Бога повеление и власть человеком помогати.
Радуйся, Архангеле Божий Рафаиле, недугов наших целителю и усердный о нас молитвенниче.
Кондак 3
Силу необоримыя ревности по славе Божией в себе являя, помози нам, Архангеле Рафаиле, вся козни вражия, на нас воздвизаемыя, разрушити, Творцу и Создателю нашему с верою и любовию вопия: Аллилуиа.
Икос 3
Имуще тя великаго помощника и крепкаго поборника на сопротивныя силы, молим тя, Архангеле Божий: буди нам покровитель на всех путех жизни нашея, да со благодарением взываем ти сице:
Радуйся, яко споспешествуеши нам во временнем житии нашем.
Радуйся, яко на путь спасения стопы наша наставляеши.
Радуйся,яко заповеди Господни исполняти нас научаеши.
Радуйся, яко от зла и греха нас сохраняеши.
Радуйся, Архангеле Божий Рафаиле, недугов наших целителю и усердный о нас молитвенниче.
Кондак 4
Бури искушений и бед нас избави, Архангеле Божий, и не остави нас безпомощных в скорбныя дни житейских обстояний и болезней, за беззаконное житие нам попущаемыя. Мы же, тобою от напастей избавляеми, благодаряще тя, воззовем Богу, Благодателю нашему:Аллилуиа.
Икос 4
Слышаще о твоих благодеяниях роду человеческому, смиренно молим тя, Архангеле Рафаиле: буди нам в земнем странствии нашем непрестанный помощник и к Царствию Небесному верный руководитель, да зовем ти хвалебно:
Радуйся, предстателю наш пред Богом и молитвенниче.
Радуйся, яко со Архангелами Михаилом, Гавриилом, Уриилом, Селафиилом, Иегудиилом, Варахиилом и Иеремиилом непрестанно прославляеши Святую Троицу.
Радуйся, милостивый ходатаю онас пред Богом.
Радуйся, скорый помощниче во обстоянии сущим.
Радуйся, Архангеле Божий Рафаиле, недугов наших целителю и усердный о нас молитвенниче.
Кондак 5
Путеводительною звездою был еси, Архангеле Божий, отроку Товии, егда отец посла его к сроднику своему в страну далече: и не токмо спутник добрый был еси ему, но и врачеватель изрядный показася, егда повелел ему в реце рыбу изловити и изъяти из нея сердце, печень и желч, да си демона-убийцу каждением от девицы отженети слепоту отца своего уврачует. Сего ради тобою облагодетельствовани, воспеша Богу благодарственную песнь: Аллилуиа.
Икос 5
Видяще тя благонадежна спутника Товии бывша, молим тя: буди нам помощник в житии нашем многомятежнем, сохраняя нас от греха, всякаго злаго обстояния и от врагов видимых и невидимых, да здрави суще, в мире
Akathist Saint Archangel Rafail
Kondak 1.
God-chosen from the host of heaven and low-graduated to earth in serving the genus of the human, holy Archangel Rafail, the alert of our and prayer and prayer about us before the Lord, Pomping to us to get rid of troubles, sorrow and illness, with faith and love for the praise to you: Rejoice, Archangel God's Rafail, the ailments of our healer and diligently about us prayer.
Ikos 1.
Archangels, and Angeli, and the whole of the war of heaven, the compept for the throne of the Trinity, the Creator of Heaved and Earth inequately alone; Discover and you, nice Rafail, having a hooking of songs to the Almighty, praying about us, earthly, commendable singing of the scene brings to you:
Rejoice, the upcoming throne of the Holy Trinity.
Rejoice, with all the heavenly forces chanting the trisierate song of the god.
Rejoice, for the ministry of people from the Lord is lowered.
Rejoice, the will of God will be outlining.
Rejoice, Archangel of God Rafail, the ailments of our healer and the diligence of us prayer.
Kondak 2.
The strengths and grandeur of the zraqi, the Archangel of God, the Emnitania, the Archangel of God, we, the earthquake, and the Ubo and the sin, and the unworthy, Obacheu with love and Thanksgiving, they jeep with you and with all the holy angels appeal to: Aliluia.
Ikos 2.
The mind is cleaned and free from the passions as we succeed, Archangel of God Rafail, and do not leave us defenseless, in the fight against sin and the temptations of the world of this world, yes to you from the eternal torment, you will, in the joy of spiritual, call Ti Sita:
Rejoice, the bare warrior of the king of the celestial.
Rejoice, weak meal and traveling to the patron.
Rejoice, the lord of the Lord who is creating the will of his lord.
Rejoice, taking the command and power by man to help.
Rejoice, Archangel of God Rafail, the ailments of our healer and the diligence of us prayer.
Kondak 3.
The power of the needy of jealousy in the glory of God in himself, Pozoan us, Archangel Rafail, all the goats of the busy, erecting on us, destroy, the Creator and the Creator to our faith and love of a question: Aliluia.
Ikos 3.
IMUCHA Velikago Assistant and Relochnogo Becomer on the resistance of the Force, Molima, Archangel of God: Buddes to us the patron at all ways of life Our life, and with thanksgiving, call Ti Sita:
Rejoice, Jaco, we succeed in our time in our time.
Rejoice, Yako on the path of salvation is our instruction.
Rejoice, IKOBO commandments of the Lord to fulfill us ledge.
Rejoice, IKO from evil and sin you are kept.
Rejoice, Archangel of God Rafail, the ailments of our healer and the diligence of us prayer.
Kondak 4.
The storms of temptations and misfortunes of us to get rid of the Archangel of God, and do not leave us the harmless in the sorry days of everyday circumstances and diseases, for challenging lives of us. We, you, who you are excavated, thanks to, thanks to God, we will call God, thanks to ours: Alliluia.
Ikos 4.
I have a hearing about your blessings to human, humbly molim, Archangel Rafail: Buddes to us in the land of our incessant assistant and to the kingdom of the Heavenly Leader, yes by calling ti
Rejoice, our concept before God and prayer.
Rejoice, Jaco with the archangels Mikhail, Gavriil, Uriel, Selaphil, Iezhidil, Varachille and Jereemille, incessantly glorifying the Holy Trinity.
Rejoice, graciously interested in Once before God.
Rejoice, quickly assistant in the circumstances.
Rejoice, Archangel of God Rafail, the ailments of our healer and the diligence of us prayer.
Kondak 5.
Traveling the star was Esi, the Archangel of God, Tovia's tag ,, Father sent him to the affinity to his country distance: and not a good satellite was a good one to him, but also a hedgehogonian showing showed him in the Reta of the cauldron and withdraw from her heart, The liver and bile, and si a demon-killer, the blindness of his father gets off the blindness of his father's blindness. This is for you to enforce the gloomy of the graceful song: Aliluia.
Ikos 5.
Viyascheza Tovia Tovia former's satellite, Molima: Budge the assistant to our multi-member, keeping us from sin, all slander the circumstances and the enemies of visible and invisible, yes health is justice, in the world
Akathist Saint Archangel Rafail
Kondak 1.
God-chosen from the host of heaven and low-graduated to earth in serving the genus of the human, holy Archangel Rafail, the alert of our and prayer and prayer about us before the Lord, Pomping to us to get rid of troubles, sorrow and illness, with faith and love for the praise to you: Rejoice, Archangel God's Rafail, the ailments of our healer and diligently about us prayer.
Ikos 1.
Archangels, and Angeli, and the whole of the war of heaven, the compept for the throne of the Trinity, the Creator of Heaved and Earth inequately alone; Discover and you, nice Rafail, having a hooking of songs to the Almighty, praying about us, earthly, commendable singing of the scene brings to you:
Rejoice, the upcoming throne of the Holy Trinity.
Rejoice, with all the heavenly forces chanting the trisierate song of the god.
Rejoice, for the ministry of people from the Lord is lowered.
Rejoice, the will of God will be outlining.
Rejoice, Archangel of God Rafail, the ailments of our healer and the diligence of us prayer.
Kondak 2.
The strengths and grandeur of the zraqi, the Archangel of God, the Emnitania, the Archangel of God, we, the earthquake, and the Ubo and the sin, and the unworthy, Obacheu with love and Thanksgiving, they jeep with you and with all the holy angels appeal to: Aliluia.
Ikos 2.
The mind is cleaned and free from the passions as we succeed, Archangel of God Rafail, and do not leave us defenseless, in the fight against sin and the temptations of the world of this world, yes to you from the eternal torment, you will, in the joy of spiritual, call Ti Sita:
Rejoice, the bare warrior of the king of the celestial.
Rejoice, weak meal and traveling to the patron.
Rejoice, the lord of the Lord who is creating the will of his lord.
Rejoice, taking the command and power by man to help.
Rejoice, Archangel of God Rafail, the ailments of our healer and the diligence of us prayer.
Kondak 3.
The power of the needy of jealousy in the glory of God in himself, Pozoan us, Archangel Rafail, all the goats of the busy, erecting on us, destroy, the Creator and the Creator to our faith and love of a question: Aliluia.
Ikos 3.
IMUCHA Velikago Assistant and Relochnogo Becomer on the resistance of the Force, Molima, Archangel of God: Buddes to us the patron at all ways of life Our life, and with thanksgiving, call Ti Sita:
Rejoice, Jaco, we succeed in our time in our time.
Rejoice, Yako on the path of salvation is our instruction.
Rejoice, IKOBO commandments of the Lord to fulfill us ledge.
Rejoice, IKO from evil and sin you are kept.
Rejoice, Archangel of God Rafail, the ailments of our healer and the diligence of us prayer.
Kondak 4.
The storms of temptations and misfortunes of us to get rid of the Archangel of God, and do not leave us the harmless in the sorry days of everyday circumstances and diseases, for challenging lives of us. We, you, who you are excavated, thanks to, thanks to God, we will call God, thanks to ours: Alliluia.
Ikos 4.
I have a hearing about your blessings to human, humbly molim, Archangel Rafail: Buddes to us in the land of our incessant assistant and to the kingdom of the Heavenly Leader, yes by calling ti
Rejoice, our concept before God and prayer.
Rejoice, Jaco with the archangels Mikhail, Gavriil, Uriel, Selaphil, Iezhidil, Varachille and Jereemille, incessantly glorifying the Holy Trinity.
Rejoice, graciously interested in Once before God.
Rejoice, quickly assistant in the circumstances.
Rejoice, Archangel of God Rafail, the ailments of our healer and the diligence of us prayer.
Kondak 5.
Traveling the star was Esi, the Archangel of God, Tovia's tag ,, Father sent him to the affinity to his country distance: and not a good satellite was a good one to him, but also a hedgehogonian showing showed him in the Reta of the cauldron and withdraw from her heart, The liver and bile, and si a demon-killer, the blindness of his father gets off the blindness of his father's blindness. This is for you to enforce the gloomy of the graceful song: Aliluia.
Ikos 5.
Viyascheza Tovia Tovia former's satellite, Molima: Budge the assistant to our multi-member, keeping us from sin, all slander the circumstances and the enemies of visible and invisible, yes health is justice, in the world
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- р. Б. Сергий Покровский - Любовь
- р. Б. Сергий Покровский - Акафист Святому Великомученику Георгию Победоносцу
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