Церковный хор - Яко с нами Бог
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Церковный хор - Яко с нами Бог - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

С нами Бог, разумейте, языцы,и покаряйтеся: Яко с нами Бог.

Услышите до последних земли: Яко с нами Бог.

Могущии, покаряйтеся: Яко с нами Бог.

Аще бо паки возможете,и паки побеждени будете: Яко с нами Бог.

И иже аще совет совещаваете,разорит Господь:
Яко с нами Бог.

И слово, еже аще возглаголете,не пребудет в вас: Яко с нами Бог.

Страха же вашего не убоимся, ниже смутимся: Яко с нами Бог.

Господа же Бога нашего, Того освятим, и Той будет нам в страх: Яко с нами Бог.

И аще на Него надеяся буду, будет мне во освящение: Яко с нами Бог.

И уповая буду на Него и спасуся Им: Яко с нами Бог.

Се аз и дети, яже ми даде Бог: Яко с нами Бог.

Людие ходящии во тме видеша свет велий: Яко с нами Бог.

Живущии во стране и сени смертней, свет возсияет на вы: Яко с нами Бог.

Яко Отроча родися нам, Сын, и дадеся нам: Яко с нами Бог.

Егоже началство бысть на раме Его: Яко с нами Бог.

И мира Его несть предела: Яко с нами Бог.

И нарицается имя Его велика совета Ангел: Яко с нами Бог.

Чуден Советник: Яко с нами Бог.

Бог крепок, Властитель, начальник мира: Яко с нами Бог.

Отец будущаго века: Яко с нами Бог.

С нами Бог, разумейте, языцы, и покаряйтеся: Яко с нами Бог.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу.

С нами Бог, разумейте, языцы,и покаряйтеся: Яко с нами Бог.

С нами Бог, разумейте, языцы, и покаряйтеся.

И ныне, и присно, и во веки веков.

Яко с нами Бог.
God be with us, understand, the tongues, and give a bead: God is with us.

Hear to the last land: God is with us.

Painting, punish: God is with us.

If you are possible, you can, and you will be packs of defeat: God is with us.

And even the Council is encouraged, the Lord will ruin:
Like God is with us.

And the word, ash as a survey, will not be in you: God is with us.

We won’t be afraid of your fear, we are embarrassed below: God is with us.

The Lord is our God, we will consecrate, and that will be in fear: as God is with us.

And if I hope for him, I will be in consecration: God is with us.

And hoping at him and flee to him: God is with us.

Sez and children, even Mi Dade God: God is with us.


Living in the country and the canopy of the mortal, the light lies on you: God is with us.

He was born to us, a son, and gives us: he is like God.

He also began to quickly on his frame: God is with us.

And his world is to have a limit: God is with us.

And the name of his advice is the Angel: Like God, God.

Advisor is wonderful: God is with us.

God is strong, the ruler, the head of the world: God is with us.

Father of the future century: God is with us.

God be with us, understand, the tongues, and give a bead: God is with us.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

God be with us, understand, the tongues, and give a bead: God is with us.

God be with us, understand, the tongues, and give a bit.

And now, and in prison, and forever and ever.

Like God is with us.

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