Kristin Chenoweth - Glitter and be gay
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Kristin Chenoweth - Glitter and be gay - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Glitter and be gay,
That’s the part I play;
Here I am in Paris, France,
Forced to bend my soul
To a sordid role,
Victimized by bitter, bitter circumstance.
Alas for me! Had I remained
Beside my lady mother,
My virtue had remained unstained
Until my maiden hand was gained
By some Grand Duke or other.

Сиять и веселиться…
но это всё напускное.
Здесь, в Париже,
я вынуждена играть постылую роль
под гнётом печальных обстоятельств.
Увы! останься я
и при милой моей матушке,
была бы чиста и невинна,
пока не выдали бы меня
за эрц- или другого герцога.
Ah, ‘twas not to be;
Harsh necessity
Brought me to this gilded cage.
Born to higher things,
Here I droop my wings,
Ah! Singing of a sorrow nothing can assuage.
Ах, не суждено было этому сбыться.
Суровая нужда
привела меня в эту золочёную клетку.
Я рождена летать —
и складываю крылья.
Ах, я пою о неутешимом горе.
And yet of course I rather like to revel,
Ha ha!
I have no strong objection to champagne,
Ha ha!
My wardrobe is expensive as the devil,
Ha ha!
Perhaps it is ignoble to complain…
Enough, enough
Of being basely tearful!
I’ll show my noble stuff
By being bright and cheerful!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha!
И всё же, я, конечно, люблю развлекаться,
Да и не очень-то я против шампанского,
А гардероб мой чертовски дорог,
Возможно, мне не пристало жаловаться…
Хватит, хватит лить слёзы,
как какая-нибудь там простушка.
Я явлю своё благородство тем,
что буду весела и приветлива!
Ха-ха-ха-ха-ха! Ха!
Pearls and ruby rings…
Ah, how can worldly things
Take the place of honor lost?
Can they compensate
For my fallen state,
Purchased as they were at such an awful cost?
Bracelets… Lavallières…
Can they dry my tears?
Can they blind my eyes to shame?
Can the brightest brooch
Shield me from reproach?
Can the purest diamond purify my name?
Жемчуга и кольца с рубинами…
Ах, ну как могут эти побрякушки
окупить потерянную честь?
Может ли их бешеная стоимость
быть оправданием
моему падению?
Браслеты… лавальеры…
Что, они осушат мои слёзы?
Заставят забыть про стыд?
А эта яркая брошка
спасёт меня от бесчестья?
Уж не очистит ли моё имя
бриллиант чистейшей воды?
And yet of course these trinkets are endearing,
Ha ha!
I’m oh, so glad my sapphire is a star,
Ha ha!
I rather like a twenty-carat earring,
Ha ha!
If I’m not pure, at least my jewels are!
И всё же эти безделушки, конечно, очаровательны,
До чего я рада, что этот сапфир сияет, как вечерняя звезда,
Я весьма люблю свои серьги в двадцать каратов,
Пусть не я, но драгоценности мои — чисты!
Enough! Enough!
I’ll take their diamond necklace
And show my noble stuff
By being gay and reckless!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha!
Довольно! Хватит!
Я возьму вон то бриллиантовое колье
и явлю благородство тем,
что буду весела и беззаботна!
Ха-ха-ха-ха-ха! Ха!
Observe how bravely I conceal
The dreadful, dreadful shame I feel.
Ha ha ha ha!
Glitter and Be Gay,
That’s The Part I Play;
Here i am in paris, France,
Forced to Bend My Soul
To a sordid role,
Victimized by Bitter, Bitter Circumstance.
Alas for me! HAD I Remained
Beside My Lady Mother,
My virtue Had Remained Unstained
Until My Maiden Hand Was Gained
By some Grand Duke or Other.

Shine and have fun ...
But this is all pretense.
Here in Paris,
I have to play a shameful role
Under the oppression of sad circumstances.
Alas! I stay
And with my dear mother,
would be clean and innocent,
Until they betrayed me
for the ertz or other duke.
AH, ‘Twas not to be;
Harsh Necessity
Brought me to This Gilded Cage.
Born to Higher Things,
Her I Droop My Wings,
AH! Singing of A Sorrow Nothing Canuage.
Ah, it was not destined to come true.
Hard need
brought me to this gilded cage.
I was born to fly -
And fold the wings.
Ah, I'm singing about an unwestable grief.
And Yet of Course I Rather Like to Revel,
Ha ha!
I have no Strong Objection to Champagne,
Ha ha!
My Wardrobe is Expensive as the Devil,
Ha ha!
Perhaps it is ignoble to complain ...
Of Being Basely Tearful!
I’ll Show My Noble Stuff
By Being Bright and Cheerful!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha!
And yet, of course, I like to have fun,
Ha ha!
And I'm not very against champagne,
Ha ha!
And my wardrobe is damn dear
Ha ha!
Perhaps I have not stood out to complain ...
Enough, stop pouring tears,
Like any a simpleton there.
I will show my nobility to those
That I will be cheerful and friendly!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha!
Pearls and Ruby Rings ...
AH, How Can Worldly Things
Take The Place of Honor Lost?
Can the Compensate
For my Fallen state,
Bracelets ... Lavallières ...
Can the Dry My Tears?
Can the Blind My Eyes to Shame?
Can the Brightest Brooch
Shield Me from Reproach?
Can the Purest Diamond Purify My Name?
Pearls and rings with rubies ...
Ah, how can these trinkets
Record the lost honor?
Can their frantic value be
be an excuse
My fall?
Bracelets ... lavallers ...
What, will they drain my tears?
Will make you forget about shame?
And this bright brooch
Will save me from dishonor?
Will my name clear my name
A diamond of pure water?
And Yet of Course these Trinkets are endearing,
Ha ha!
I’m oh, So Glad My Sapphire is a Star,
Ha ha!
I Rather Like a Twenty-Carat Earring,
Ha ha!
IF I’m Not Pure, At Least My Jewels Are!
And yet these trinkets are, of course, charming,
Ha ha!
What am I glad that this sapphire shines like an evening star,
Ha ha!
I really love my earrings in twenty carats,
Ha ha!
Let it be not me, but my jewelry is clean!
I’ll Take Their Diamond Necklace
And Show My Noble Stuff
By Being Gay and Reckless!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha!
Enough! Enough!
I'll take it a diamond necklace
And I will show the nobility of those
That I will be cheerful and carefree!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha!
Observe How Bravelly I Conceal
The Dreadful, Dreadful Shame I Feel.
Ha ha ha ha!

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