Moonspell - Hers Is The Twilight
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Moonspell - Hers Is The Twilight - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

From shadow born
Not a single reason
To go on
Darker days ahead
We forgot about
When too far gone

In her twilight time
Testimony of skin
A ghost in the rain
Cursing us by
In her twilight time

From shadow bound
What’s left of life?
Remains of the earth
That once we called home
But our hands expired

In her twilight time
Testimony of skin
A ghost in the rain
Cursing us by
Hers is the twilight

From shadows torn
We know it’s too late
Darker days arrived
Our times of plague

In her twilight time
Testimony of skin
A ghost in the rain
Cursing us by
Hers is the twilight

The scars of the earth
Won’t heal with light
These are twilight times
These are scars of mine

Рожденная тенью
Без всякий причин
Продолжать путь
Впереди дни мрака
Мы о них забыли
Ушли далеко

В ее сумеречный час
Свидетельства кожи
Призрак под дождем
Проклинает нас
В ее сумеречный час

В оковах смерти
Что осталось от жизни?
Обломки земли
Наш в прошлом дом
И мы бессильны

В ее сумеречный час
Свидетельства кожи
Призрак под дождем
Проклинает нас
В ее сумеречный час

Разорванные тенями
Мы знаем, уже поздно
Наступила тьма
Нас охватила чума

В ее сумеречный час
Свидетельства кожи
Призрак под дождем
Проклинает нас
В ее сумеречный час

Шрамы земли
Не исцелятся светом
Это сумеречная пора
Это мои шрамы
From Shadow Born
Not a single reason
To go on
Darker Days Ahead
We Forgot ABOUT
Wen too far gone

In her Twilight Time
Testimony of Skin
A ghost in the rain
Cursing us by
In her Twilight Time

From Shadow Bound
What’s Left of Life?
Remains of the Earth
That once We Called Home
But OUr Hands Expireed

In her Twilight Time
Testimony of Skin
A ghost in the rain
Cursing us by
Hers is the Twilight

From Shadows Torn
We Know It’s to Late
Darker Days Arrived
OUR Times of Plague

In her Twilight Time
Testimony of Skin
A ghost in the rain
Cursing us by
Hers is the Twilight

The Scars of the Earth
Won’t Heal with Light
Thus Twilight Times
These are Scars of Mine

Born with a shadow
For no reason
Continue the way
Ahead of the days of darkness
We forgot about them
Went far

At her twilight hour
Skin testimonies
Ghost in the rain
Curses us
At her twilight hour

In the fetters of death
What remains of life?
The wreckage of the Earth
Our house in the past
And we are powerless

At her twilight hour
Skin testimonies
Ghost in the rain
Curses us
At her twilight hour

Torn shadows
We know, it's too late
Darkness has come
We were seized with a plague

At her twilight hour
Skin testimonies
Ghost in the rain
Curses us
At her twilight hour

Scars of the Earth
Do not be healed by light
This is a twilight time
These are my scars

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