Morgul - Truth, Liars And Dead Flesh
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Morgul - Truth, Liars And Dead Flesh - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Please sit with me and listen
I hear a different drum
Maybe you will think twice before you fall asleep
This image reminds me of a whore's attempt to get clean
A beggar's eyes when gold is in sight
Honour in the eyes of a thief, truth in a liar's speech
As real as a dream
As real as painted puppets on a painted scene
I see the great pit
The beast and the eye
Hardly ever listen to what you say
Any colour's fine as long as it is black
I'll die alone, afraid and hated
I'll lie unwanted, unburied and godless
These words remind me that I have to die

"Истина, лжецы и мёртвая плоть"

Пожалуйста, сядь рядом со мной и слушай,
Я слышу барабанный бой,
Может быть, ты дважды подумаешь, прежде чем ложиться спать.
Этот образ напоминает мне о попытке шлюхи раскаяться,
Глаза нищего, когда так блестит золото.
Слава в глазах вора, истина в речи лжеца
Так же реальна, как сон.
Так же реальна, как рисованные куклы на рисованной сцене.
Я вижу огромную яму,
Чудовище и глаз,
Тяжело даже послушать, то ты скажешь.
Любой цвет хорош настолько же, как и чёрный.
Я умру в одиночестве, напуганный и ненавистный.
Я буду лежать ненужный, не похороненный и безбожный.
Эти слова напоминают мне, что я должен умереть.
Please Sit with Me and Listen
I hear a different drum
Maybe You Will Think Twice Before You Fall Asleep
This Image Reminds Me of A Whore's Attempt to Get Clean
A Beggar's Eyes When Gold is in Sight
Honour in the Eyes of a Thief, Truth in a Liar's Speech
As Real as a Dream
Asa Real as Painted Puppets ON A PINETED SCENE
I See the Great Pit
The Beast and the Eye
Hardly Ever Listen to What You Say
Any Color's Fine as Long as it is Black
I'll Die Alone, Afraid and Hated
I'll Lie Unwanted, Unburied and Godless
Thus Words Remind Me that I have to die

"Truth, liars and dead flesh"

Please sit next to me and listen,
I hear a drum fight,
Maybe you will think twice before going to bed.
This image reminds me of a whore attempt to repent
The beggar's eyes when gold shines like that.
Glory in the eyes of the thief, the truth in the speech of the liar
As real as a dream.
As real as drawn dolls on a drawn stage.
I see a huge hole
Beast and eye,
It's hard to even listen, you will say.
Any color is good as black.
I will die alone, frightened and hated.
I will lie unnecessary, not buried and godless.
These words remind me that I should die.

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