Playone - On my mind
текст песни


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Playone - On my mind - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Ты засела в мыслях
Почему я утопаю
Я пытаюсь найти смысл но с тобою мне так мало
Ты как-будто бы во сне но на яву я это знаю
Я опять закинул drunk но почему-то не легчает

I don’t wanna be ur friend
Check your lying fans
All these bitches on my hands
Do u really god
U think only that im bad
U just think as slatt
I forget about ex u just on my mind

U just on my mind maybe it is fun
She was pretty and so cute not like everyone
Stopping thinking bout ur life i look into eyes
I dont wanna be alone even jesus cries

I don’t wanna be ur friend
Check your lying fans
All these bitches on my hands
Do u really god

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Поднимаю голову я вижу squad
Этим сукам мало подливаю спрайт
Это Мани вэй это Мани склад
Делаю пиф паф да мы шутера
Это только пятый поднимайся выше
Да мы курим на крыше моё тело этим дышит
Пусть я буду обездвижен много соуса на тишке
Да я вижу что ты лишний
Да я вижу стаф пышный
Если мы летаем это высоко
Если маме надо похуй на закон
Сипин вок кибертрак поглощает мрак
Моя сука Жана в её теле вижу Дарк

I don’t wanna be ur friend
Check your lying fans
All these bitches on my hands
Do u really god
U think only that im bad
U just think as slatt
I forget about ex u just on my mind

U just on my mind maybe it is fun
She was pretty and so cute not like everyone
Stopping thinking bout ur life i look into eyes
I dont wanna be alone even jesus cries

I don’t wanna be ur friend
Check your lying fans
All these bitches on my hands
Do u really god

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You settled in thoughts
Why am I drowning
I'm trying to find meaning but with you so little
You would seem to be in a dream but I know that
I threw Drunk again, but for some reason it does not light

I Don’t Wanna BE Ur Friend
Check your lying fans
All these Bitches on My Hands
Do U Really God
U Think Only That Im Bad
U Just Think as Slatt

U just on my mind maybe it is fun
She Was Pretty and So Cute Not Like Evryone
Stopping Thinking Bout Ur Life I Look Into Eyes
I Dont Wanna Be alone Even Jesus Cries

I Don’t Wanna BE Ur Friend
Check your lying fans
All these Bitches on My Hands
Do U Really God

Flone if then then
Talk in a whisper
Among the black walls
Flone if then then
Talk in a whisper
Among the black walls

I raise my head I see Squad
I add little to this bitches
This is mani Wei this is mani warehouse
I make a PIF Paf yes we are a shooter
This is only the fifth rise above
Yes, we smoke on my roof my body breathing this
May I be immobilized a lot of sauce on the Tishka
Yes, I see that you are superfluous
Yes, I see stapho
If we fly it high
If mom needs to fuck the law
Sipin Vok Cybertrak absorbs gloom
My bitch Jean in her body I see Dark

I Don’t Wanna BE Ur Friend
Check your lying fans
All these Bitches on My Hands
Do U Really God
U Think Only That Im Bad
U Just Think as Slatt

U just on my mind maybe it is fun
She Was Pretty and So Cute Not Like Evryone
Stopping Thinking Bout Ur Life I Look Into Eyes
I Dont Wanna Be alone Even Jesus Cries

I Don’t Wanna BE Ur Friend
Check your lying fans
All these Bitches on My Hands
Do U Really God

Flone if then then
Talk in a whisper
Among the black walls
Flone if then then
Talk in a whisper
Among the black walls
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