Демо - My heart is empty
текст песни


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Демо - My heart is empty - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

1. My heart is empty
And nobody helps me to be OK.
She broke my life and
She took my love, then went so far away…

I’ve lost the sense of life,
I walk this street tonight…
And I’m alone…
This street - my memories,
And I just try to miss,
That I’m alone…

2. Her actions hurt me,
Made me out of control.
This should not continue,
And I'll try to forget you, nothing will be more

3. My memories are always prevent me to live
And only amnesia can help me to be free,
The really free ... to be free from all.
I don’t need more……

1. Мое сердце пусто
И никто не помогает мне быть в порядке .
Она сломала мою жизнь и
Забрала мою любовь , потом ушла так далеко ...

Я потерял смысл жизни ,
Я иду этой улицей сегодня
И я один ...
Эта улица - мои воспоминания ,
И я просто стараюсь пропустить
То, что я один...

2. Её действия причиняют мне боль,
Сделали меня неконтролируемым .
Так не должно продолжаться,
И я постараюсь забыть тебя , ничего не будет более

3. Мои воспоминания всегда мешает мне жить
И только амнезия может помочь мне быть свободным,
По-настоящему свободным ... свободным от всего.
Мне не нужно более ....
1. My heart is empty
And Nobody Helps me to be ok.
She Broke My Life and
She took My Love, The Went So Far Away ...

I’ve Lost the Sense of Life,
I Walk this Street Tonight ...
And I’m alone ...
This Street - My memorials,
And I Just Try to Miss,
That I’m alone ...

2. Her Actions Hurt Me,
Made ME OUT of Control.
This Shoup Not Continue,
And i'll try to ForGet You, Nothing Will Be More

3. My memorials are always prevent me to live
And only amnesia can help me to be free,
The REALLY FREE ... to be free from all.
I Don’T Need More ……

1. My heart is empty
And no one helps me to be in order.
She broke my life and
I took my love, then went so far ...

I have lost the meaning of life
I'm walking this street today
And I am alone ...
This street is my memories,
And I'm just trying to miss
That I am alone ...

2. Her actions hurt me,
They made me uncontrolled.
This should not continue
And I will try to forget you, nothing will be more

3. My memories always prevents me from living
And only amnesia can help me be free,
Really free ... free from everything.
I don't need more ...

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