Wick - Год Назад - Вступление
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Wick - Год Назад - Вступление - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

от Kei Creepy

Трансляция местных новостей. Зима, 2014

У полиции нет новых зацепок в странном исчезновении здешнего подростка Трэвиса Бертона. Спорная интернет-личность, известная в Интернете как " TBubber”, проводит серию видеоматериалов о городской легенде, которая недавно взорвалась просмотрами(популярностью)…

Local News Broadcast. Winter, 2014

Police have no new leads in the bizarre disappearance of local teen Travis Burton. The controversial internet personality, known online as “TBubber”, hosts an urban legend video series that recently exploded in popularity…
From Kei Creepy

Broadcast of local news. Winter, 2014

The police have no new hooks in the strange disappearance of the local teenager Travis Berton. The controversial Internet personality, known on the Internet as “Tbubber”, holds a series of video materials about urban legend, which has recently exploded by viewing (popularity) ...

Local News Broadcast. Winter, 2014

Police have no new leads in the Bizarre Disapperance of Local Teen Travis Burton. The Controversial Internet Personality, Known Online as “Tbubber”, Hosts An Urban Legendo Series that Recently ExploDed in Popularity ...
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