100 Уроков Английского - Урок 82 - Беспокойство об отце.
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100 Уроков Английского - Урок 82 - Беспокойство об отце. - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Kim: Привет Питер, можно поговорить с тобой немного. Я слышала, что кондитерская фабрика в центре города прекратила свою деятельность.
Hi Peter, can I talk to you for a moment. I just heard the cookie factory downtown is going out of business.

Peter: Откуда ты это услышала?
Where did you hear that?

Kim: Сара сказала мне.
Sara told me.

Peter: Я не уверен, что это правда. Я ничего об этом не слышал.
I'm not sure that's true. I haven't heard anything about it.

Kim: Она сказала, что они уже начали увольнять людей.
She said that they have already started to lay people off.

Peter: Разве твой отец там не работает?
Doesn't your father work there?

Kim: Да, я очень переживаю, что его могут уволить, он только начал там работать около трех месяцев назад. Что ты считаешь, я должна сделать?
Yes, I'm really worried he might get laid off, he just started to work there about three months ago. What do you think I should do?

Peter: Я бы поговорил с твоим отцом.
I'd talk to your father.

Kim: Да, но если там что-то не так, я не думаю, что он мне скажет. Он не любит расстраивать меня, но я очень хочу знать, что происходит.
Yeah, but if there was something wrong I don't think he'd tell me. He doesn't like to upset me, but I really would like to know what's going on.

Peter: Что ты собираешься делать?
So what are you gonna do?

Kim: Разве ты не хороший друг президента той компании?
Aren't you good friends with the president of that company?

Peter: Да, мы работали вместе в другой компании около пяти лет назад.
Yes, we use to work together at a different company about five years ago.

Kim: Может ты мог бы позвонить ему и узнать, что происходит.
Maybe you could call him and see what's going on.

Peter: Ну, я не знаю. Думаю, я мог бы. Сейчас довольно поздно, но я позвоню ему утром.
Well, I don't know. I guess I could. It's pretty late now, but I'll call him in the morning.

Kim: Хорошо, спасибо большое.
OK, thanks so much.
KIM: Hello Peter, you can talk a little with you. I heard that the confectionery factory in the city center ceased its activities.
Hi Peter, Can I Talk to You For a Moment. I Just Heard The Cookie Factory Downtown Is Going Out of Business.

Peter: How did you hear it?
WHERE DID you hear that?

KIM: Sarah told me.
Sara Told Me.

Peter: I'm not sure it's true. I have not heard anything about it.
I'm not surta That's true. I haveen't heard ABOUTH ABOUT IT.

KIM: She said that they had already begun to dismiss people.
She Said That They Havy Alread Started to Lay Pekle Off.

Peter: Does your father work there?
DOESN'T Your Father Work There?

KIM: Yes, I am very worried that they can fire him, he just started working there about three months ago. What do you think I have to do?
YES, I'M REALLY Worried He Might Get Laid Off, He Just Started to Work the ABOUT Thout Three Months AGO. What Do You Think I Shoup Do?

Peter: I would talk to your father.
I'd Talk to your Father.

KIM: Yes, but if something is wrong there, I don’t think he will tell me. He does not like to upset me, but I really want to know what is happening.
Yeah, But if the WAS SOMETHING WRONG I DONIT Think He'd Tell Me. He soresn`t Like to upset me, but I Really Wuld Like to Know What's Going on.

Peter: What are you going to do?
So What Are You Gonna Do?

KIM: Are you not a good friend of the president of that company?
Aren`t You Good Friends with the President of that Company?

Peter: Yes, we worked together in another company about five years ago.
Yes, WE USE to Work Together at a Different Company ABOUT FIVE YEARS AGO.

KIM: Maybe you could call him and find out what is happening.
Maybe You Cold Call Him and See What's Going on.

Peter: Well, I don't know. I think I could. Now it’s too late, but I will call him in the morning.
Well, I Donat Know. I Guess I COULD. It's Pretty Late Now, But i'll Call Him in the Morning.

KIM: Okay, thank you very much.
OK, thanks so much.

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