Иосиф Кобзон - Робин Гуд
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Иосиф Кобзон - Робин Гуд - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

(Шотландская песня в обработке Бёрнса)

В деревне парень был рожден,
Но день, когда родился он,
В календари не занесен.
Кому был нужен Робин?..

Был он резвый паренек,
Резвый Робин, шустрый Робин,
Беспокойный паренек —
Резвый, шустрый Робин!

Зато отметил календарь,
Что был такой-то государь,
И в щели дома дул январь,
Когда родился Робин.

Разжав младенческий кулак,
Гадалка говорила так:
— Мальчишка будет не дурак.
Пускай зовется Робин!

Немало ждет его обид,
Но сердцем всё он победит.
Парнишка будет знаменит,
Семью прославит Робин.

Он будет весел и остер,
И наших дочек и сестер
Полюбит с самых ранних пор
Неугомонный Робин.

Девчонкам — бог его прости! —
Уснуть не даст он взаперти,
Но знать не будет двадцати
Других пороков Робин.

Был он резвый паренек —
Резвый Робин шустрый Робин,
Беспокойный паренек —
Резвый, шустрый Робин!


There was a lad was born in Kyle,
But whatna day o' whatna style,
I doubt it's hardly worth the while
To be sae nice wi' Robin.

Robin was a rovin' boy,
Rantin', rovin', rantin', rovin',
Robin was a rovin' boy,
Rantin', rovin', Robin!

Our monarch's hindmost year but ane
Was five-and-twenty days begun,
'Twas then a blast o' Janwar' win'
Blew hansel in on Robin.
Robin was, &c.

The gossip keekit in his loof,
Quo' scho, "Wha lives will see the proof,
This waly boy will be nae coof:
I think we'll ca' him Robin."
Robin was, &c.

"He'll hae misfortunes great an' sma',
But aye a heart aboon them a',
He'll be a credit till us a'-
We'll a' be proud o' Robin."
Robin was, &c.

"But sure as three times three mak nine,
I see by ilka score and line,
This chap will dearly like our kin',
So leeze me on thee! Robin."
Robin was, &c.

"Guid faith," quo', scho, "I doubt you gar
The bonie lasses lie aspar;
But twenty fauts ye may hae waur
So blessins on thee! Robin."
Robin was, &c.
Frisous, nimble Robin
(Scottish song in the processing of Burns)

The guy was born in the village
But the day he was born,
Not listed in the calendars.
Who needed Robin? ..

He was a frisky guy,
Frivy Robin, nimble Robin,
Restless guy -
Frisky, nimble Robin!

But noted the calendar,
What was such and such a sovereign
And in the cracks of the house, January blew,
When Robin was born.

Frowning the infant fist,
The fortuneteller said this:
- The boy will not be a fool.
Let Robin call it!

A lot is waiting for his insults,
But he will win everything with his heart.
The boy will be famous
The family will glorify Robin.

He will be cheerful and oster
And our daughters and sisters
Will love from the earliest then
Restless Robin.

Girls - God forgive him! -
He will not let him fall asleep locked up
But there will be no twenty
Other vices of Robin.

He was a frisky guy -
Frost Robin Shusty Robin,
Restless guy -
Frisky, nimble Robin!

Rantin 'Rovin' Robin

There was a lad was born in kyle,
But Whatna day o 'Whatna Style,
I DUBT It's Hardly Worth The While
To be sae nice wi 'Robin.

Robin Was a Rovin 'Boy,
Rantin ', Rovin', Rantin ', Rovin',
Robin Was a Rovin 'Boy,
Rantin ', Rovin', Robin!

OUR Monarch's Hindmost Year But Ane
WAS Five-And-Twenty Days Begun,
'Twas then A Blast O' Janwar 'Win'
Robin Was, & C.

The Gossip Keekit in His Loof,
Quo 'Scho, "Wha Lives Will See the Proof,
This Waly Boy Will Be Nae Coof:
I Think We'll Ca 'Him Robin. "
Robin Was, & C.

"He'll Hae Misfortunes Great An 'Sma',
But aye a heart aboon them a ',
He'll Be a Credit Till Us-
We'll a 'be proud o' Robin. "
Robin Was, & C.

"But Sure as Three Times Three Mak Nine,
I See by ILKA Score and Line,
This Chap Will Dearly Like Oour Kin ',
So leeze me on the! Robin. "
Robin Was, & C.

"Guid Faith," Quo ', Scho, "I Doubt You Gar
The Bonie Lasses Lie Aspar;
But Twenty Fauts Ye May Hae Waur
So blessins on the! Robin. "
Robin Was, & C.

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