исландский эльф - Human Behaviour
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исландский эльф - Human Behaviour - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

If you ever get close to a human
And human behaviour
Be ready be ready to get confused

There's definitely definitely definitely no logic
To human behaviour
But yet so yet so irresistible

And there's no map
to human behaviour

They're terribly terribly terribly terribly moody
Then all of a sudden turn happy
But, oh, to get involved in the exchange
Of human emotions
Is ever so ever so satisfying

And there's no map
And a compass wouldn't help at all.

Если вы попробуете поближе узнать человека
И человеческое поведение,
Приготовьтесь оказаться в замешательстве...

Определенно нет никакой логики
В человеческом поведении,
И всё же это так непреодолимо интересно...

И не существует карты
Человеческого поведения...

Настроение людей ужасно, ужасно переменчиво:
Они то унывают, то внезапно становятся счастливыми,
Но, какое же это удовольствие -
Наблюдать за изменением
Человеческих эмоций!

И нет такой карты
И компас совсем не поможет...
And Human Behavior
Be Ready Be Ready to get confused

To Human Behavior
But Yet Sot So Irresistible

And there's no map
to Human Behavior

They're Terribly Terribly Terribly Moody
Then all of a Sudden Turn Happy
But, oh, to get Involved in the Exchange
Of Human Emotions
IS Ever So Ever So Satiffying

And there's no map
And A Compass Wouldn't Help at All.

Human behavior
If you try to know the person closer
And human behavior,
Get ready to be confused ...

There is definitely no logic
In human behavior,
And yet it is so irresistibly interesting ...

And there is no card
Human behavior ...

The mood of people is terribly, terribly changeable:
They either lose heart, then suddenly become happy,
But what a pleasure it is -
Observe the change
Human emotions!

And there is no such card
And the compass will not help at all ...

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