Afasana Banake Bhul Na Jana Song Lyrics - Afsana Banake Bhool Na Jaana
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Afasana Banake Bhul Na Jana Song Lyrics - Afsana Banake Bhool Na Jaana - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

не забывай меня после принятия историю
не уходят после сводит меня с ума
моя любовь с ума
не оставить меня в покое, не нарушайте свои обещания
то, что произошло, то, что интоксикация это
почему беспокойство охватило наизусть
Я должен попросить вашего на обещание
что вы не обмануть меня когда-либо
эта ситуация нетерпения трудно понять
скрепить эти отношения, не оставь меня в покое
как яд, как катастрофа
те эффекты вашей любви
почему есть одиночество даже в толпе
почему беспокойство, о партнер
моменты опьяняющим
есть буря в моих вдохов
потерять себя в любви мое желание сейчас
не отворачивайтесь ваши пути, не нарушайте вам обещания
don't forget me after making a story
don't go away after making me crazy
my love is crazy
don't leave me alone, don't break your promises
what has happened, what intoxication is this
why has restlessness engulfed by heart
I have to ask your for a promise
that you will not cheat on me ever
this situation of impatience is difficult to comprehend
bond this relationship, don't leave me alone
like poison, like disaster
those are effects of your love
why is there lonliness even in crowd
why restlessness, o partner
moments are intoxicating
there is storm in my breaths
to lose my self in love is my desire now
don't turn away your paths, don't break you promises
Do not forget me after taking history
do not leave after drives me crazy
My love is crazy
Do not leave me alone, do not break your promises
what happened is that intoxication is
why concern embraced by heart
I have to ask your promise
that you do not cheat me ever
This situation is impatible to understand
copp these relationships, do not leave me alone
as poison like a disaster
those effects of your love
why there is loneliness even in a crowd
why concern about partner
Moments intoxicating
there is a storm in my breath
Lose yourself in love my desire now
Do not turn away your ways, do not break your promises
DON'T FORGET ME After Making A Story
DON'T GO AWAY After Making Me Crazy
My Love Is Crazy
DON'T Leave Me Alone, Don't Break Your Promises
Whats Has Happened, What Intoxication Is This
Why Has Restlessness English by Heart
I Have to Ask Your For a Promise
That You Will Not Cheat On Me Ever
This Situation of Impatience Is Difficult to Complechend
Bond This Relationship, Don't Leave Me Alone
Those Are Effects of Your Love
Why Is There Lonliness Even in Crowd
Why Restlessness, O Partner
Moments Are intoxicating
There Is Storm in My Breaths
To Lose My Self in Love Is My Desire Now
Don't Turn Away Your Paths, Don't Break You Promises
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