Boris Grebenshchikov - 412 - Авангард
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Boris Grebenshchikov - 412 - Авангард - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео
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7 апреля 2013
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Есть в человеческом языке ужасно важное слово "авангард". Авангард - передовые отряды движущейся армии, подвергающиеся наибольшему риску. И часто это слово относится не только к военному делу.
Cecil Taylor - Crossing (Excerpt)
Термин "музыкальный авангард" характеризует музыку, которая, как считается, опережает время. Музыковеды спорят - где авангард, где экспериментальня музыка... но мы сегодня будем просто говорить о переднем крае музыкальной теории и практики XX века, другими словами, о музыке, расширяющей границы сознания.
В музыке все было просто и понятно до конца XIX века; но человечество менялось, и музыка менялась вместе с ним. Первая мировая война продемонстрировала миру совершенно новые методы выяснения отношений между людьми; стало очевидно, что привычная музыка с ее понятиями о гармонии не совсем соответствует новым ужасам, изобретенным прогрессом. Нужна была новая музыка, с новыми понятиями о гармонии - и дисгармонии.
Примером такой новой музыки, можно считать органную музыку Луи Верна.
Louis Vierne - Impromptu
А вот, например, Антон Веберн, ученик Шенберга, основатель "Новой Венской Школы" атональной музыки. Нацисты, во время правления которых ему выпало жить, ласково называли его музыку "дегенеративной" (точно как советская власть именовала Шостаковича "буржуазным декадентом"). История показывает, что вообще любая заслуживающая своего названия власть патологически не терпеть не может авангарда. Что только подчеркивает его ценность.
Anton Webern - Bagatelle Opus 9
Но вот наступило послевоенное время, время новых форм распространения музыки, и авангард начал становиться достоянием массового слушателя.
И тут никак нельзя обойти вниманием одного из важнейших композиторов XX -XXI веков Карлгейнца Штокхаузена. Учителем его был Оливье Мессиана, а в ученики набились и Заппа, и Who, и Jefferson Airplane, и Grateful Dead, и Pink Floyd, и Can, Kraftwerk и Бьорк. Даже не то, что признавались в ученичестве - даже просто упомянуть Штокхаузена считалось почетным делом. А Битлз просто его обожали и даже поместили ео лицо на обложку своего альбома "Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band".
Stockhausen - Kontakte
Конечно, авангард - как лесной пожар - не мог не перекинуться в джаз. И не потому, что джазмены Нового Света так уж внимательно изучали идеи европейского симфонического авангарда и отчаянно хотели этим кого-то удивить - нет, просто исследовав все методы создания музыки, доступные им, они сами по себе, естественным образом оказались в авангарде - для них это был не авангард, а просто свобода.
Albert Ayler - Ghosts: First Variation
Вот, например, был такой человек, которого звали Sun Ra. Критик Скотт Янов пишет "из всех джазовых музыкантов Sun Ra был, вероятно, самым не укладывающимся в рамки". Сам он сообщал про себя, что он вообще-то из расы ангелов и родом с Сатурна. А про свое мирское имя говорил: "Это воображаемое существо, его никогда не было. Меня зовут Sun Ra. Любое другое имя, которое я использовал в жизни - это псевдоним"
А началось все с того, что он был обычным молодым человеком, звали его Херман Блоунт, и однажды с ним случилось духовное переживание. Его окружило сияние и тело его, по его собственным словам, "превратилось в нечто совершенно другое. Я видел сквозь себя...я начал подниматься вверх...уже не в форме человека - и оказался на планете, котораяю - как мне стало ясно - называется Сатурн. Обитатели ее телепортировали меня и я оказался с ними на одной сцене...они велели мне перестать учиться, потому что в учении этом больше не было смысла. Мир был на пороге погружения в полный хаос - и я должен был научиться говорить через музыку - и тогда мир начал бы меня слушать".
Таким образом, Херман Блаунт оказался первым человеком, официально похищенным инопланетянами. В результате он сменил имя на Sun Ra, и начал играть - как
April 7, 2013
Listen to an entry on the Radio Radio website
There is a terribly important word "avant -garde" in the human language. The avant -garde is the advanced detachments of the moving army, which are at risk. And often this word applies not only to military affairs.
Cecil Taylor - Crossing (Excerpt)
The term "musical avant -garde" characterizes music, which is believed to be ahead of time. Music scientists argue - where is the avant -garde, where the experimental is music ... But today we will simply talk about the forefront of the musical theory and practice of the 20th century, in other words, about music that expands the boundaries of consciousness.
In music, everything was simple and clear until the end of the 19th century; But humanity was changing, and the music changed with it. The First World War demonstrated the world completely new methods of clarifying relations between people; It became obvious that the usual music with its concepts of harmony does not quite correspond to the new horrors invented by progress. New music was needed, with new concepts of harmony - and disharmony.
An example of such a new music can be considered the organ music of Louis Verne.
Louis Vierne - Impromptu
But, for example, Anton Weberne, a student of Schenberg, the founder of the "New Vienna School" of Atonal Music. The Nazis, during the reign of which he had to live, affectionately called his music "degenerative" (just like the Soviet government called Shostakovich "a bourgeois decadent"). History shows that in general, any avant -garde does not tolerate the authorities that deserve its name pathologically. What only emphasizes its value.
Anton Webern - Bagatelle Opus 9
But the post -war time came, the time of new forms of the spread of music, and the avant -garde began to become the property of the mass listener.
And here it is impossible to ignore one of the most important composers of the XX -XXI centuries of the Karlggeanz Shtokhausen. His teacher was Olivier Messiana, and the students piled up, and Who, and Jefferson Airplane, and GratEful Dead, and Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk and Bjork. It’s not even what they admitted in student - even just mentioning Shtokhausen was considered an honorary business. And the Beatles simply adored him and even placed his face on the cover of his album "SGT. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band".
Stockhausen - Kontakte
Of course, the avant -garde - like a forest fire - could not help but spread to jazz. And not because the jazzmen of the New World so carefully studied the ideas of the European symphonic avant -garde and desperately wanted to surprise someone with it - no, just having explored all the methods of creating music, accessible to them, they themselves naturally ended up at the forefront - for them - for them It was not an avant -garde, but just freedom.
Albert Ayler - Ghosts: First Variation
For example, there was a person who was called Sun Ra. Critic Scott Yanov writes "Of all the jazz musicians, Sun Ra was probably the most not fit into the framework." He himself reported to himself that he was actually from the race of angels and originally from Saturn. And about his worldly name he said: "This is an imaginary creature, it has never been. My name is Sun Ra. Any other name that I used in my life is a pseudonym"
It all started with the fact that he was an ordinary young man, his name was Herman Blown, and one day a spiritual experience happened with him. He was surrounded by the radiance and his body, in his own words, "turned into something completely different. I saw through myself ... I started to rise up ... no longer in the form of a person - and I ended up on the planet, which - as it became clear to me - called Saturn. Her inhabitants teleported me and I ended up with them on the same stage ... They told me to stop studying, because this did not make sense. The world was on the threshold of immersion in complete chaos - and I had to learn to speak Through music - and then the world would begin to listen to me. "
Thus, Herman Blaunt was the first person officially abducted by aliens. As a result, he changed his name to Sun Ra, and began to play - how
April 7, 2013
Listen to an entry on the Radio Radio website
There is a terribly important word "avant -garde" in the human language. The avant -garde is the advanced detachments of the moving army, which are at risk. And often this word applies not only to military affairs.
Cecil Taylor - Crossing (Excerpt)
The term "musical avant -garde" characterizes music, which is believed to be ahead of time. Music scientists argue - where is the avant -garde, where the experimental is music ... But today we will simply talk about the forefront of the musical theory and practice of the 20th century, in other words, about music that expands the boundaries of consciousness.
In music, everything was simple and clear until the end of the 19th century; But humanity was changing, and the music changed with it. The First World War demonstrated the world completely new methods of clarifying relations between people; It became obvious that the usual music with its concepts of harmony does not quite correspond to the new horrors invented by progress. New music was needed, with new concepts of harmony - and disharmony.
An example of such a new music can be considered the organ music of Louis Verne.
Louis Vierne - Impromptu
But, for example, Anton Weberne, a student of Schenberg, the founder of the "New Vienna School" of Atonal Music. The Nazis, during the reign of which he had to live, affectionately called his music "degenerative" (just like the Soviet government called Shostakovich "a bourgeois decadent"). History shows that in general, any avant -garde does not tolerate the authorities that deserve its name pathologically. What only emphasizes its value.
Anton Webern - Bagatelle Opus 9
But the post -war time came, the time of new forms of the spread of music, and the avant -garde began to become the property of the mass listener.
And here it is impossible to ignore one of the most important composers of the XX -XXI centuries of the Karlggeanz Shtokhausen. His teacher was Olivier Messiana, and the students piled up, and Who, and Jefferson Airplane, and GratEful Dead, and Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk and Bjork. It’s not even what they admitted in student - even just mentioning Shtokhausen was considered an honorary business. And the Beatles simply adored him and even placed his face on the cover of his album "SGT. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band".
Stockhausen - Kontakte
Of course, the avant -garde - like a forest fire - could not help but spread to jazz. And not because the jazzmen of the New World so carefully studied the ideas of the European symphonic avant -garde and desperately wanted to surprise someone with it - no, just having explored all the methods of creating music, accessible to them, they themselves naturally ended up at the forefront - for them - for them It was not an avant -garde, but just freedom.
Albert Ayler - Ghosts: First Variation
For example, there was a person who was called Sun Ra. Critic Scott Yanov writes "Of all the jazz musicians, Sun Ra was probably the most not fit into the framework." He himself reported to himself that he was actually from the race of angels and originally from Saturn. And about his worldly name he said: "This is an imaginary creature, it has never been. My name is Sun Ra. Any other name that I used in my life is a pseudonym"
It all started with the fact that he was an ordinary young man, his name was Herman Blown, and one day a spiritual experience happened with him. He was surrounded by the radiance and his body, in his own words, "turned into something completely different. I saw through myself ... I started to rise up ... no longer in the form of a person - and I ended up on the planet, which - as it became clear to me - called Saturn. Her inhabitants teleported me and I ended up with them on the same stage ... They told me to stop studying, because this did not make sense. The world was on the threshold of immersion in complete chaos - and I had to learn to speak Through music - and then the world would begin to listen to me. "
Thus, Herman Blaunt was the first person officially abducted by aliens. As a result, he changed his name to Sun Ra, and began to play - how
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