Bright Eyes
- A Line Allows Progress, A Circle Does Not
- A Perfect Sonnet
- A Poetic Retelling of an Unfortunate Seduction
- A Spindle, A Darkness, A Fever and A Necklace
- Amy In The White Coat
- Approximate Sunlight
- Arienette
- At the Bottom of Everything
- Blue Angels Air Show
- Bowl Of Oranges
- cartoon blues
- Contrast and Compare
- Devil in the Details
- Don't Know When But A Day Is Gonna Come
- Drunk Kid Catholic
- Exaltation On A Cool, Kitchen Floor
- First Day Of My Life
- Four Winds
- Going for the Gold
- Haile Selassie
- Haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh
- I Believe In Symmetry
- I Must Belong Somewhere
- If The Brakeman Turns My Way
- Jejune Stars
- Jetsabel Removes The Undesirables
- Kathy With A K's Song
- Ladder Song
- Landlocked Blues
- Let's Not Shit Ourselves
- Lua
- Make A Plan To Love Me
- Make War
- Method Acting
- No One Would Riot For Less
- One Foot In Front Of The Other
- Padraic My Prince
- Padriac My Prince
- Patient Hope In New Snow
- poison oak
- Road To Joy
- Singularity
- Spring Cleaning
- Sunrise, Sunset
- Take It Easy
- Teresa And Thomas
- The Big Picture
- The Calendar Hung Itself
- The Center Of The World
- The Movement of a Hand
- Tourist Trap
- Waste of Paint
- We Are Nowhere And It's Now
- Weather Reports
- When The Curious Girl Realizes She Is Under Glass
- when the president talks to god