- 2. Queens of the Circulating Lib
- A White Rainbow
- Amber Rain
- An Unearthly Red
- Aqua Regis
- Ascension
- Bat Wings
- Blue Rats
- Broccoli
- Cathedral in Flames
- Cave of Roses
- Cold Cell
- Ether
- Finite Bees
- Fire Of The Mind
- Further Back And Faster
- Going Up
- Heartworms
- Heaven's Blade
- Lorca not Orca
- Love's Secret Domain
- Paint Me as a Dead Soul
- Panic
- Paranoid Inlay
- Penetralia II
- Red Queen
- Rosa Decidua
- Slur
- Snow Falls into Military Temples
- Teenage Lightning 1
- Tenderness of Wolves
- The Last Amethyst Deceiver
- The Lost Rivers of London
- The Sea Priestess
- Tiny Golden Books
- triple sun and the one you bury
- Who by Fire
- Windowpane