End Of Green
- All About Nothing
- An Awful Day
- Anthem For A New Wave
- Astrobastard
- Believe
- Black No.1
- Bury Me Down
- Carpathian Gravedancer
- Cure My Pain
- Dead End Hero
- Demons
- Die Lover Die
- Drink myself to sleep
- Dying Moments
- Ghostdance
- Goodnight Insomnia
- High Hopes in Low Places
- Highway 69
- Hurter
- I Hate
- Infinity
- Killhoney
- left my way
- Let Sleeping Gods Lie
- Melanchoholic
- Mirror
- Miss Misery
- My Crying Veins
- My Friend
- Nice Day To Die
- No Coming Home
- No More Plesures
- Only One
- Pain Hates Me
- Remedy
- Sad Song
- Saviour
- Seasons of Black
- Sick One
- Sleep
- So Many Voices
- Speed My Drug
- Standalone
- Starlight
- The Painstreet
- The Sickness Crown
- Tomorrow Not Today
- Tragedy insane
- Under The Sway
- Weakness