Gary Huwes - Once And Future King
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Gary Huwes - Once And Future King - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Tears upon the coldness of my cheek
Слёзы капают на мою холодную щеку,
Bathe this weary head in timeless sleep
И я засыпаю вечным сном.
And the life, like the day slips away,
И жизнь, как свет дня, угасает.
Broken, laid to rest upon this field,
Сломленный, я отошёл в вечный покой на этом поле.
Where the river flows the blood has stilled
Река течёт, но кровь моя перестала течь,
In the light that remains colours fade to grey
В последних лучах света краски мира сереют.

They slay the man but not his heartbeat,
Король убит, но его сердце не остановлено.
For something more lies within
Потому что душу его не сломить.
They claim the day but a thousand
Враги торжествуют, но ехо тысячи голосов
echoes rain as the mountains rage,
Раздается в разгневанных горах.
They've slain the man but not his heartbeat,
Король убит, но его сердце не остановлено.
His spirit soars on the wind
Его дух парит на ветру.
They claim the day, but the fire inside remains
Враги торжествуют, но огонь не угас
For the lost, once and future king
В душе потерянного Короля Былого и Грядущего.

Echoes of a man that used to be
Отголоски короля, что жил когда-то
Touching every soul who still believes
Отдаются в каждой душе, которая ещё верит
That the fight and the fray was ordained
Что та битва, то побоище были предопределены,
Carving out the shapes of destiny
Были частью великой судьбы
Someday in the greatest time of need
И когда-нибудь, когда мир будет в нём больше всего нуждаться,
He'll return from the place where he sleeps in wait
Он вернётся оттуда, где он спит в ожидании.

They slay the man but not his heartbeat,
Король убит, но его сердце не остановлено.
For something more lies within
Потому что душу его не сломить.
They claim the day but a thousand
Враги торжествуют, но ехо тысячи голосов
echoes rain as the mountains rage,
Раздается в разгневанных горах.
They've slain the man but not his heartbeat,
Король убит, но его сердце не остановлено.
His spirit soars on the wind
Его дух парит на ветру.
They claim the day, but the fire inside remains
Враги торжествуют, но огонь не угас
While it burns his return begins
Пока он горит, его возвращение начинается
The beloved, once and future king
Наш любимый Король Былого и Грядущего.
Tears Upon the Coldness of My Cheek
Tears are dripping on my cold cheek,
Bathe this Weary Head in Timeless Sleep
And I fall asleep with an eternal dream.
And the Life, Like the Day Slips Away,
And life, like the light of the day, fades away.
Broken, Laid to Rest Upon this Field,
Broken, I went into the eternal peace in this field.
Were The River Flows The Blood Has Stilled
The river flows, but my blood has stopped flowing,
In the Light that Remains Colours Fade to Grey
In the last rays of light, the paints of the world are gray.

They Slay the Man But Not His Heartbeat,
The king is killed, but his heart is not stopped.
For someting more lies with
Because his soul cannot be broken.
They Claim The Day But a Thousand
Enemies triumph, but echo thousands of votes
Echoes rain as the mountains rage,
It is distributed in the angry mountains.
They've Slain the Man But Not His Heartbeat,
The king is killed, but his heart is not stopped.
HIS Spirit Soars on the Wind
His spirit soars in the wind.
They Claim The Day, But the Fire Inside Remains
Enemies triumph, but the fire did not fade off
For the lost, once and future king
In the soul of the lost king of the past and future.

Echoes of a man that used to be
Echoes of the king that once lived
Touching event
Surrendered in every soul that still believes
That the Fight and the Fray Was Ordained
That that battle, the battle was predetermined,
Carving Out the Shapes of Destiny
Were part of a great fate
Someday in the Greatest Time of Need
And someday, when the world will need it most,
He'll Return from the Place Were He Sleeps in Wait
He will return from where he is sleeping in anticipation.

They Slay the Man But Not His Heartbeat,
The king is killed, but his heart is not stopped.
For someting more lies with
Because his soul cannot be broken.
They Claim The Day But a Thousand
Enemies triumph, but echo thousands of votes
Echoes rain as the mountains rage,
It is distributed in the angry mountains.
They've Slain the Man But Not His Heartbeat,
The king is killed, but his heart is not stopped.
HIS Spirit Soars on the Wind
His spirit soars in the wind.
They Claim The Day, But the Fire Inside Remains
Enemies triumph, but the fire did not fade off
While Its His Return Begins
While he is on, his return begins
The Beloved, Once and Future King
Our beloved king of the past and future.
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