- Alive
- Anaheim After Dark
- B.E.A.S.T.
- Bats In My Pants
- Bloody Holiday
- Demon Speed
- Demons Are A Girls Best Friend
- Demons Are A Girls Best Friends
- Devil Smile
- Fantazma
- Flowers Are Slow
- Gargoyles Over Copenhagen
- Haunted Cathouse
- Horny in a Hearse
- Howlin' At The Moon
- I Kissed A Ghoul
- Life is a Grave and I Dig It
- Monster Metal
- Murder for Breakfast
- Nekrofelia
- Nekromantik Baby
- Nekronomicon
- nekrotastic extasy
- Nice Day For a Resurrection
- Night Nurse
- Rubber Monks And Leather Nuns
- Sea of Red
- Sexton Society
- Subcultural Girl
- Survive Or Die
- Trick Or Treat
- ГОлина