- 1993 - Pork soda
- American Life
- Amos Moses
- Arnie
- Bob
- CamelBlack Cinema
- Candy Man
- Coattails Of A Dead Man
- Coddingtown
- De Anza Jig
- Devil Went Down to Georgia
- Electric Uncle Sam
- Fisticuffs
- Frizzle Fry
- Goin' Down To South Park
- Groundhog's Day
- Harold Of The Rocks
- Have A Cigar
- Here Come the Bastards
- Hoinfodaman
- I Want It Now
- Intruder
- John the Fisherman
- Kalamazoo
- Laquer Head
- Lee Van Cleef
- Mary The Ice Cube
- Me Llamo Mud
- Moron Tv
- My Name Is Mud
- Over The Electric Grapevine
- Over The Falls
- Poetry And Prose
- Pork Soda
- Puddin' Taine
- Pudding Time
- Snake Hands With Beef
- South Park
- South Park Theme
- Southbound Pachyderm
- Spegetti Western
- The Antipop
- The Chastising Of Renegade
- The Thing That Shoud Not Be
- Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
- To Defy The Laws Of Tradition
- Tommy the cat
- Too Many Puppies
- Tragedy's A' Comin'
- Welcome To This World
- Wynona's Big Brown Beaver