The Shadows of Destruction - Dethroned Emperor
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The Shadows of Destruction - Dethroned Emperor - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Celtic Frost
Dethroned Emperor

See the portal,
gate to madness
Locked forever
in a veil of shame

Deny extraction -
Thirst for disgrace
Watch his break -
The emperor's killed
Light of the day -
Shadows from beyond
Scaffold of steel -
The throne has gone

Dethroned emperor (2x)

The foot of the stairs, dimension in might
The king sits, his eyes are glass

Growing of the small -
The laughter's fall
Can you deny -
Remaining cries?
Descent of the lords -
Into the trap
Existence and hate -
Unseen gate

Dethroned emperor (2x)

По-русски (перевод CoRAk the Avatar)
Кельтский Мороз
Смещенный император

Узри портал,
Врата к безумию
Закрыты навеки
В вуали стыда

Запретить добычу -
Тягу к позору
Наблюдай его провал -
Императора убили
Свет дня -
Тени Извне
Эшафот из стали -
Трон пропал

Смещенный император (2x)

подножия лестницы,
измерение в могуществе
Король сидит,
его глаза стеклянные

Рост малого -
падения Смеха
Могли бы вы отрицать, -
Оставшиеся крики?
Падение господ -
В ловушку
Существование и ненависть -
Незримые врата

Смещенный император (2x)
Celtic Frost
Dethrone Emperor

See the Portal,
Gate to Madness
Locked Forever
in a veil of shame

Thirst for Disgrace
Watch HIS Break -
The Emperor's Killed
Light of the Day -
Shadows from Beyond
Scuffold of Steel -
The Throne Has Gone

DethroneD Emperor (2x)

The Foot of the Stairs, Dimension in Might
The King Sits, His Eyes Are Glass

Growing of the Small -
The Laughter's Fall
Can you deny -
Descent of the lords -
Into the Trap
Existence and Hate -
Unseen Gate

DethroneD Emperor (2x)

In Russian (translation by Corak The Avatar)
Celtic frost
A displaced emperor

Gate to madness
Closed forever
In the veil of shame

Prohibit prey -
Carrying for a shame
Observe his failure -
The emperor was killed
Light of the day -
Shadows from the outside
Steel scaffold -
The throne is gone


The foot of the stairs,
Measurement in power
The king is sitting
His eyes are glass

Small growth -
falls of laughter
Could you deny, -
The remaining screams?
The fall of gentlemen -
In a trap
Existence and hatred -
Invisible gates

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