Theatre of Tragedy
- ...A Distance There Is...
- 01-A Rose For The Dead
- 03 Revolution
- 03-As the Shadows dance
- 04 Hollow-Hearted, Heart-Departed
- A Hamlet for a Slothful Vassal
- And When He Falleth
- Angelique
- Aoede
- As The Shadows Dance
- Beauty of Deconstruction
- Behind the curtain
- Black As The Devil Painteth
- Bring Forth Ye Shadow
- Cassandra
- Commute
- Crash
- Debris
- Der Spiegel
- Der Tanz Der Schatten
- Desintegration
- Dialogue from And When He Falleth
- Envision
- Episode
- Exile
- Fair and Guiling Copesmate Death
- Fragment
- Highlights
- Image
- Let You Down
- Light in the darkness
- Liquid Man
- Machine
- Nine Days Wonder
- On Whom The Moon Doth Shine
- Play
- Radio
- Reverie
- Rose For The Dead
- Seraphic Deviltry
- Silence
- Storm
- Summernight City
- Sweet Art Thou
- Trapped In Your Labyrinth
- Universal Race
- Venus
- Voices
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