Youth Of Today - No More
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Youth Of Today - No More - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Meat flesh
think about it
so callous to this crime we commit
always stuffing our face with no sympathy
what a selfish, hardened society so
No More
just looking out for myself
when the price paid is the life of something else,
No More
i won't participate
we've got the power we've got the might
to take whatever is in sight
not even worried, it's an unfair fight
well we've got a heart to tell us what's right
our numbers are doubling in 88
cause the people are starting to educate
themselves their friends and their families
and we'll have a more conscious society

поедание мяса - поедание трупа, подумай об этом
мы черствы к преступлению,что совершаем
постоянно наполняем рты не испытывая чувств
насколько эгоистичное и потребительское общество

просто посмотрите на меня
когда заплаченная цена - жизнь кого то еще
я не буду учавсьвовать
у нас есть сила,у нас есть мощь
что бы забрать все.что попадает в наше поле зрения
даже не задумываясь,что это был нечестный бой
но у нас есть сердце,чтобы подсказать нам что верно

просто посмотрите на меня
когда заплаченная цена - жизнь а не что то еще
не буду учавствовать

наши ряды увеличились в 88 (году)
так как люди начинают учится и понимать
их самих,их друзей и их семьи
приобретая тем самым все более мыслящий народ
Meat Flesh
Think ABOUT It
So Callous to this Crime We Commit
Always Stuffing OUR Face with No Sympathy
What a Selfish, Hardened Society So
No more
Just Looking Out For Myself
When The Price Paid Is the Life of Someting Else,
No more
I Won'T Participate
We've Got the Power We've Got the Might
to take Whatver is in sight
not event work, it's an unfair fight
Well We've Got a Heart to Tell Us What's Right
ThemSelves Their Friends and Their Families
and we'll has a more consious Society

eating meat - eating a corpse, think about it
we are ink to the crime that we are committing
Constantly fill your mouths without experiencing feelings
how selfish and consumer society

Just look at me
When the price paid is the life of someone else
I will not participate
We have power, we have power
To pick up everything. What falls into our field of view
Without even thinking that it was a dishonest battle
But we have a heart to tell us what is true

Just look at me
when the price paid is life and not something else
I will not participate

Our ranks increased in 88 (year)
since people begin to study and understand
Their, their friends and their families
By acquiring an increasingly thinking people

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