Екклесиаст - 8. Пробуждение среди тёплых дней
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Екклесиаст - 8. Пробуждение среди тёплых дней - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Свет Солнца согревает меня сейчас,
Излечивая, исцеляя от ран.
Венец лета - как долог был мой сон...
Лес одел свой зелёный наряд и небеса так светлы...

...Тихие воды лесных озёр омоют меня,
Звон ручьёв будет долго жить в моей памяти.

Пробуждение среди тёплых дней,
Среди цветения есть место и для тебя.

... В глубине заледеневшей плоти есть то,
что должно жить.
Ложь этого мира прельстила тебя,
Искалечив твой разум и принуждая душу спать вечным сном.
Твой мир - разрушен, и
Твой Храм разграблен и опустошён.
Блуждая по погибшему миру,
Твой дух пытался узнать в обугленных останках то,
Что сияло светом жизни.

Ты падал вниз, глотая слёзы
И проклиная ледяные вихри и дождь...

- Память о боли - мои шаги будут неспешными,
Покидая боль - мои речи будут тихими.

...Сливаясь с зелёными исполинами,
Я буду расти на встречу небу.

И они поддержат меня
Словно братья, на своих могучих руках,
Пока я окрепну.
Пробуждаясь среди тёплых дней,
Вливаюсь в дыхание, хвалящее Господа.


Light of the sun is warming me,
Curing, healing the wounds.
The middle of summer - what was long sleep that I had.
Forest formed into green, and Heaven is so bright...

... Still waters of forest lakes will wash me,
Sounds of springs will live in my memory for a long time.

Awakening among the warm days,
There is a place for you in a bloom.

…In depth of frozen flesh there is a something
That should live.
The lies of this world devours you,
Crippling your mind and making your soul sleep in eternal dream.
Your world is crushed, and
Your Temple is plundered and devastated.
Wandering in the lost world,
In scorched remains, your spirit tried to find something
That shined with the light of life.

You 're falling down, swallowing the tears
And damning the ice-cold winds and rain...

The memory of pain - my steps will be slow,
Leaving a pain - my words will be silent.

... Merging with green trees,
I will grow towards the sky.

And they 'll support me
Like my brothers, with the mighty hands,
Untill I get stronger.
Waking up among the warm days,
I am falling into breath, praising the Lord.
The light of the sun warms me now,
Healing, healing from wounds.
The crown of summer - how long was my dream ...
The forest put on his green outfit and heaven is so bright ...

... the quiet waters of the forest lakes will rejuvenate me,
The ringing of Ruchev will live long in my memory.

Awakening among warm days,
Among the flowering there is a place for you.

... in the depths of the icy flesh is that
What should live.
The lie of this world has surrounded you
Having crippled your mind and force the soul to sleep with an eternal dream.
Your world is destroyed, and
Your temple is looted and devastated.
Wandering around the dead world,
Your spirit tried to find out in the charred remains
What shone with the light of life.

You fell down, swallowing tears
And coded icy vortices and rain ...

- Memory of pain - my steps will be unhurried,
Leaving pain - my speeches will be quiet.

... merging with green giants,
I will grow to meet the sky.

And they will support me
Like brothers, on their mighty hands,
While I get stronger.
Awakening among the warm days,
I pour into the breath praising the Lord.


Light of the Sun is Warming Me,
Couring, Healing the Wounds.
The Middle of Summer - What Was Long Sleep That I Had.
Forest Formed Into Green, and Heaven is so Bright ...

... Still Waters of Forest Lakes Will Wash Me,
Sounds of Springs Will Live in My Memory for a Long Time.

There is a place for you in a bloom.

... in depth of frozen flesh there is a someting
That Shoup Live.
The Lies of this World Devours You,
Crippling Your Mind and Making Your Soul Sleep in Eternal Dream.
Your world is crushed, and
Your Temple Is Plundered and Devasted.
Wandering in the Lost World,
In Scorched Remains, Your Spirit Tried to find someting
That shined with the Light of Life.

You 'RE Falling Down, Swallowing the Tears
And Damning the Ice-Cold Winds and Rain ...

The Memory of Pain - My Steps Will Be Slow,
LEAVING A PAIN - My Words Will Be Silent.

... Mering with Green Trees,
I Will Grow Towards The Sky.

And they 'Ll Support Me
Like My Brothers, with the Mighty Hands,
Untill I Get Stronger.
Waking up Among the Warm Days,
I am Falling Into Breath, Praising the Lord.

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