Иван Бунин - Листопад
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Иван Бунин - Листопад - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео
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- Перевод
Осенняя поэма
Лѣсъ, точно теремъ расписной, —
Лиловый, золотой, багряный, —
Веселой, пестрою стѣной
Стоитъ надъ свѣтлою поляной.
Березы желтою рѣзьбой
Блестятъ въ лазури голубой;
Какъ вышки, елочки темнѣютъ,
А между кленами синѣютъ
То тамъ, то здѣсь въ листвѣ сквозной
Просвѣты въ небо, чтò оконца...
Лѣсъ пахнетъ дубомъ и сосной, —
За лѣто высохъ онъ отъ солнца,
И Осень тихою вдовой
Вступила нынче въ теремъ свой...
Какъ хорошо ей! На полянѣ,
Среди широкаго двора,
Воздушной паутины ткани
Блестятъ, какъ сѣть изъ серебра.
Просѣка узкая, какъ сѣни,
Уводитъ въ теремъ, а по ней
Лежитъ коверъ листвы осенней
Среди кустарниковъ и пней.
Тамъ, въ потаенномъ чернолѣсьѣ,
Всегда затишье; частый боръ
Надъ нимъ темнѣетъ въ поднебесьѣ
И окружаетъ свѣтлый дворъ.
Сегодня цѣлый день играетъ
Въ дворѣ послѣдній мотылекъ
И, точно бѣлый лепестокъ,
На паутинѣ замираетъ,
Пригрѣтый солнечнымъ тепломъ;
Сегодня такъ свѣтло кругомъ,
Такое мертвое молчанье
Въ лѣсу и въ синей вышинѣ,
Что можно въ этой тишинѣ
Разслышать листика шуршанье.
Лѣсъ, точно теремъ расписной, —
Лиловый, золотой, багряный, —
Стоитъ надъ солнечной поляной,
Завороженный тишиной;
Заквохчетъ дроздъ, перелетая
Среди подсѣда, гдѣ, густая
Листва янтарный отблескъ льетъ;
Играя, въ небѣ промелькнетъ
Скворцовъ разсыпанная стая —
И снова все кругомъ замретъ...
Лѣсъ розовѣетъ. А въ ворота —
Среди двухъ высохшихъ осинъ —
Глядятъ и синева долинъ,
И мелколѣсье, и болота,
И даль лиловыхъ деревень...
Какъ хорошо! Но жаль чего-то,
И грустно Осени весь день.
Порой задумчиво выходитъ
Она на солнце изъ воротъ
И бродитъ въ полѣ, и не сводитъ
Очей съ желтѣющихъ болотъ.
Тамъ, по лощинамъ и полянамъ,
Густыхъ кустарниковъ бугры
Раскинулись широкимъ станомъ,
Какъ темно-красные шатры.
Тамъ путь на югъ. Съ нѣмой печалью
На край небесъ глядитъ она,
Гдѣ даль слилась съ небесной далью,
Мечтами тихими полна.
А день уходитъ. Небо ясно,
Прозрачный воздухъ сухъ и тихъ,
Лѣса алѣютъ... И безгласно
Уходитъ свѣтлый день отъ нихъ.
Послѣднія мгновенья счастья!
Ужъ знаетъ Осень, что такой
Глубокій и нѣмой покой —
Предвѣстникъ долгаго ненастья.
Все строже вдаль она глядитъ,
Все рѣзче тайное страданье
Въ ея нѣмыхъ очахъ сквозитъ...
Какое вѣщее молчанье!
Глубоко, странно лѣсъ молчалъ
И на зарѣ, когда съ заката
Пурпурный блескъ огня и злата
Пожаромъ теремъ освѣщалъ.
Потомъ угрюмо въ немъ стемнѣло...
Луна восходитъ, а въ лѣсу
Ложатся тѣни на росу...
Вотъ стало холодно и бѣло
Среди полянъ, среди сквозной
Осенней чащи помертвѣлой,
И жутко Осени одной
Въ пустынной тишинѣ ночной!
Теперь ужъ тишина другая:
Прислушайся — она растетъ;
А съ нею, блѣдностью пугая,
И мѣсяцъ медленно встаетъ.
Всѣ тѣни сдѣлалъ онъ короче,
Прозрачный дымъ навелъ на лѣсъ —
И вотъ ужъ смотритъ прямо въ очи
Съ туманной высоты небесъ.
О, мертвый сонъ осенней ночи!
О, жуткій часъ ночныхъ чудесъ!
Въ сребристомъ и сыромъ туманѣ
Свѣтло и пусто на полянѣ;
Лѣсъ, бѣлымъ свѣтомъ залитой,
Своей застывшей красотой
Какъ будто смерть себѣ пророчитъ.
Сова, и та молчитъ: сидитъ
Да тупо изъ вѣтвей глядитъ...
Порою дико захохочетъ,
Сорвется съ шумомъ съ высоты,
Взмахнувши мягкими крылами,
И снова сядетъ на кусты
И смотритъ круглыми глазами,
Водя ушастой головой
По сторонамъ, какъ въ изумленьи...
А лѣсъ стоитъ въ оцѣпенѣньи,
Наполненъ блѣ
Лѣсъ, точно теремъ расписной, —
Лиловый, золотой, багряный, —
Веселой, пестрою стѣной
Стоитъ надъ свѣтлою поляной.
Березы желтою рѣзьбой
Блестятъ въ лазури голубой;
Какъ вышки, елочки темнѣютъ,
А между кленами синѣютъ
То тамъ, то здѣсь въ листвѣ сквозной
Просвѣты въ небо, чтò оконца...
Лѣсъ пахнетъ дубомъ и сосной, —
За лѣто высохъ онъ отъ солнца,
И Осень тихою вдовой
Вступила нынче въ теремъ свой...
Какъ хорошо ей! На полянѣ,
Среди широкаго двора,
Воздушной паутины ткани
Блестятъ, какъ сѣть изъ серебра.
Просѣка узкая, какъ сѣни,
Уводитъ въ теремъ, а по ней
Лежитъ коверъ листвы осенней
Среди кустарниковъ и пней.
Тамъ, въ потаенномъ чернолѣсьѣ,
Всегда затишье; частый боръ
Надъ нимъ темнѣетъ въ поднебесьѣ
И окружаетъ свѣтлый дворъ.
Сегодня цѣлый день играетъ
Въ дворѣ послѣдній мотылекъ
И, точно бѣлый лепестокъ,
На паутинѣ замираетъ,
Пригрѣтый солнечнымъ тепломъ;
Сегодня такъ свѣтло кругомъ,
Такое мертвое молчанье
Въ лѣсу и въ синей вышинѣ,
Что можно въ этой тишинѣ
Разслышать листика шуршанье.
Лѣсъ, точно теремъ расписной, —
Лиловый, золотой, багряный, —
Стоитъ надъ солнечной поляной,
Завороженный тишиной;
Заквохчетъ дроздъ, перелетая
Среди подсѣда, гдѣ, густая
Листва янтарный отблескъ льетъ;
Играя, въ небѣ промелькнетъ
Скворцовъ разсыпанная стая —
И снова все кругомъ замретъ...
Лѣсъ розовѣетъ. А въ ворота —
Среди двухъ высохшихъ осинъ —
Глядятъ и синева долинъ,
И мелколѣсье, и болота,
И даль лиловыхъ деревень...
Какъ хорошо! Но жаль чего-то,
И грустно Осени весь день.
Порой задумчиво выходитъ
Она на солнце изъ воротъ
И бродитъ въ полѣ, и не сводитъ
Очей съ желтѣющихъ болотъ.
Тамъ, по лощинамъ и полянамъ,
Густыхъ кустарниковъ бугры
Раскинулись широкимъ станомъ,
Какъ темно-красные шатры.
Тамъ путь на югъ. Съ нѣмой печалью
На край небесъ глядитъ она,
Гдѣ даль слилась съ небесной далью,
Мечтами тихими полна.
А день уходитъ. Небо ясно,
Прозрачный воздухъ сухъ и тихъ,
Лѣса алѣютъ... И безгласно
Уходитъ свѣтлый день отъ нихъ.
Послѣднія мгновенья счастья!
Ужъ знаетъ Осень, что такой
Глубокій и нѣмой покой —
Предвѣстникъ долгаго ненастья.
Все строже вдаль она глядитъ,
Все рѣзче тайное страданье
Въ ея нѣмыхъ очахъ сквозитъ...
Какое вѣщее молчанье!
Глубоко, странно лѣсъ молчалъ
И на зарѣ, когда съ заката
Пурпурный блескъ огня и злата
Пожаромъ теремъ освѣщалъ.
Потомъ угрюмо въ немъ стемнѣло...
Луна восходитъ, а въ лѣсу
Ложатся тѣни на росу...
Вотъ стало холодно и бѣло
Среди полянъ, среди сквозной
Осенней чащи помертвѣлой,
И жутко Осени одной
Въ пустынной тишинѣ ночной!
Теперь ужъ тишина другая:
Прислушайся — она растетъ;
А съ нею, блѣдностью пугая,
И мѣсяцъ медленно встаетъ.
Всѣ тѣни сдѣлалъ онъ короче,
Прозрачный дымъ навелъ на лѣсъ —
И вотъ ужъ смотритъ прямо въ очи
Съ туманной высоты небесъ.
О, мертвый сонъ осенней ночи!
О, жуткій часъ ночныхъ чудесъ!
Въ сребристомъ и сыромъ туманѣ
Свѣтло и пусто на полянѣ;
Лѣсъ, бѣлымъ свѣтомъ залитой,
Своей застывшей красотой
Какъ будто смерть себѣ пророчитъ.
Сова, и та молчитъ: сидитъ
Да тупо изъ вѣтвей глядитъ...
Порою дико захохочетъ,
Сорвется съ шумомъ съ высоты,
Взмахнувши мягкими крылами,
И снова сядетъ на кусты
И смотритъ круглыми глазами,
Водя ушастой головой
По сторонамъ, какъ въ изумленьи...
А лѣсъ стоитъ въ оцѣпенѣньи,
Наполненъ блѣ
Autumn poem
LS, like a tower with a painted one, -
Purple, gold, crimson, -
Cheerful, motley wall
It stands over the same gland.
Birch trees with yellow
Shine in the blue of the blue;
Like towers, Christmas trees are darkened,
And between the maples they are
Then there, then in the foliage of the through
Enlightenments to the sky, what the window ...
It smells of oak and pine, - -
For the lot, he has dried from the sun,
And autumn with a quiet widow
I have entered my Terem now ...
How good to her! On Polyana,
Among the wide yard,
Air web of fabric
Shine, how to get out of silver.
The legend is narrow, like a dream,
Leads to Terem, and on it
Lies the carpet of foliage autumn
Among shrubs and stumps.
There, in the hidden black,
Always lull; Frequent Bor
Above him, it is darkened in
And surrounds the hot yard.
Today is a whole day playing
In the yard of the post -moth
And, like a white petal,
It freezes on a spider
Warmed by solar heat;
Today, so it is all around,
Such a dead silence
In the blue and in the blue outshore,
What can be in this tishin
Heal the leaf of rustling.
LS, like a tower with a painted one, -
Purple, gold, crimson, -
It stands above the solar clearing,
Fascinated by silence;
Cast a shocus, flying
Among the back, where, thick
Foliage of amber reflection pouring;
Playing, in a negligent
Skvortsov Dumped flock -
And again everything will lock everything around ...
Ls is a rose. And the gate -
Among the two dried aspen -
Look and blue valleys,
Both the challenges and swamps,
And the long -distance villages ...
How good! But sorry for something
And sad autumn all day.
Sometimes thoughtfully comes out
She is in the sun from the gate
And wanders in the half, and does not bring
Plaims with yellowing swamps.
There, by hollow and clearings,
Dense shrubs are hillocks
Spread out a wide village,
Like dark red tents.
There the path to the south. With no sadness
She looks to the edge of heaven,
HD Dahl merged with the heavenly distance,
The dreams are quiet.
And the day is leaving. The sky is clear
Transparent air dry and quiet,
Lsa ALYUT ... and tenderly
Leaving the hot day from them.
Message of the moment of happiness!
Already knows autumn that such
Deep and not, rest -
The bondage of a long bad weather.
She looks more strictly into the distance,
All the secret suffering
In her, the eyes are shown ...
What a nasty silence!
Deep, strangely silent
And on the za, when to sunset
Purple shine of fire and gold
The fire tower was evoked.
Then he was gloomy in him ...
The moon rises, and in the lus
Those fall on dew ...
It became cold and hit
Among the meadow, among the through
Autumn thicket dead,
And terribly autumn alone
In the desert Tishin night!
Now the silence is different:
Listen - it grows;
And with her, scaring the bluenus,
And the Mades slowly gets up.
All thesthe was shorter,
Transparent smoke brought to Ls -
And now he looks right in his eyes
From the foggy height of heaven.
Oh, dead sleep in the autumn night!
Oh, terrible hour of night miracles!
In a cold and cheese fog
Svtlo and empty in the meadow;
Led, Bully Svatu, flooded,
With your frozen beauty
As if death, it is prophesy.
Owl, and she is silent: sits
Yes, stupidly out of the Vetvia looks ...
Sometimes he laughs wildly,
Will break with noise from a height,
Having waved with soft wings,
And again sit on the bushes
And looks with round eyes,
Touching the eared head
On the sides, how amazed ...
And Ls is on the assessment,
Filled in blum
LS, like a tower with a painted one, -
Purple, gold, crimson, -
Cheerful, motley wall
It stands over the same gland.
Birch trees with yellow
Shine in the blue of the blue;
Like towers, Christmas trees are darkened,
And between the maples they are
Then there, then in the foliage of the through
Enlightenments to the sky, what the window ...
It smells of oak and pine, - -
For the lot, he has dried from the sun,
And autumn with a quiet widow
I have entered my Terem now ...
How good to her! On Polyana,
Among the wide yard,
Air web of fabric
Shine, how to get out of silver.
The legend is narrow, like a dream,
Leads to Terem, and on it
Lies the carpet of foliage autumn
Among shrubs and stumps.
There, in the hidden black,
Always lull; Frequent Bor
Above him, it is darkened in
And surrounds the hot yard.
Today is a whole day playing
In the yard of the post -moth
And, like a white petal,
It freezes on a spider
Warmed by solar heat;
Today, so it is all around,
Such a dead silence
In the blue and in the blue outshore,
What can be in this tishin
Heal the leaf of rustling.
LS, like a tower with a painted one, -
Purple, gold, crimson, -
It stands above the solar clearing,
Fascinated by silence;
Cast a shocus, flying
Among the back, where, thick
Foliage of amber reflection pouring;
Playing, in a negligent
Skvortsov Dumped flock -
And again everything will lock everything around ...
Ls is a rose. And the gate -
Among the two dried aspen -
Look and blue valleys,
Both the challenges and swamps,
And the long -distance villages ...
How good! But sorry for something
And sad autumn all day.
Sometimes thoughtfully comes out
She is in the sun from the gate
And wanders in the half, and does not bring
Plaims with yellowing swamps.
There, by hollow and clearings,
Dense shrubs are hillocks
Spread out a wide village,
Like dark red tents.
There the path to the south. With no sadness
She looks to the edge of heaven,
HD Dahl merged with the heavenly distance,
The dreams are quiet.
And the day is leaving. The sky is clear
Transparent air dry and quiet,
Lsa ALYUT ... and tenderly
Leaving the hot day from them.
Message of the moment of happiness!
Already knows autumn that such
Deep and not, rest -
The bondage of a long bad weather.
She looks more strictly into the distance,
All the secret suffering
In her, the eyes are shown ...
What a nasty silence!
Deep, strangely silent
And on the za, when to sunset
Purple shine of fire and gold
The fire tower was evoked.
Then he was gloomy in him ...
The moon rises, and in the lus
Those fall on dew ...
It became cold and hit
Among the meadow, among the through
Autumn thicket dead,
And terribly autumn alone
In the desert Tishin night!
Now the silence is different:
Listen - it grows;
And with her, scaring the bluenus,
And the Mades slowly gets up.
All thesthe was shorter,
Transparent smoke brought to Ls -
And now he looks right in his eyes
From the foggy height of heaven.
Oh, dead sleep in the autumn night!
Oh, terrible hour of night miracles!
In a cold and cheese fog
Svtlo and empty in the meadow;
Led, Bully Svatu, flooded,
With your frozen beauty
As if death, it is prophesy.
Owl, and she is silent: sits
Yes, stupidly out of the Vetvia looks ...
Sometimes he laughs wildly,
Will break with noise from a height,
Having waved with soft wings,
And again sit on the bushes
And looks with round eyes,
Touching the eared head
On the sides, how amazed ...
And Ls is on the assessment,
Filled in blum
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