- 06 - Blame Me
- Barricades In Time
- Betray Me
- Betrayed Me ... от группы Пантерёныш с любовью
- Black Clouds
- Blow It Away
- Brand New Thing
- Co Dependent
- Cold And Jaded
- Days Go By
- Do You Hear Me
- Drowning
- Enter The Cage
- Everyone
- Freaking Out
- Giving In
- Immortal
- Invisble
- Invisible
- Let Go
- Los Angeles
- Pain Inside
- Planets
- Promises
- Remember
- Rip the Heart Out of Me
- Rise Above
- Sevenfold
- Shoot The Arrows
- Skin
- So Fortunate
- Speculum
- Stressin' Out
- the loser
- Topple the Giants
- Tornado
- Trust
- Unstable
- Until Now
- Waiting For Daylight
- What Doesn't Kill Us
- Wide Eyes Open
- боевые библиотекари книга банторры
- Мелодия любви