- Airport Disco
- Animation
- Beautiful
- Best Not To Think About It
- Black Swan Song
- Chances
- Don't Hold Your Breath
- Dungeness
- El Salvador
- Hurricane
- I Love
- If I Found Out
- Light the way
- Love Come Rescue
- Magical Mistakes
- New Project
- One Million
- Ordinary Angel
- Rubick's cube
- Rubik's Cube
- Second Hand Stores
- Somewhere Beneath My Skin
- Souls
- Street Map
- Summer Sun
- Superhuman
- Superhuman Touch
- The Awkward Goodbye
- The Getaway
- The Outsiders
- Tokyo
- Tourist
- Twenty Four Hours
- Westside
- Wild Wolves
- Wild wolves Чак и Блэр
- Wires
- With You I Never Lose
- Yesterday Threw Everything At Me
- You Know