Descendants Of The Sun - Big Boss
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Descendants Of The Sun - Big Boss - оригинальный текст песни, перевод, видео

Big Boss
He's smart, funny and mysterious but... he has a lot of secrets. He'll disappear from time to time. He'll be hard to contact. Then one day... He will never come back.

«Биг Босс
Он умный, веселый и загадочный, но... у него много секретов. Он станет исчезать время от времени. С ним будет сложно связаться. И однажды... он больше не вернется. »

© @populardorams (Потомки солнца) 1.15
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Big Boss.
He's Smart, Funny and Mysterious But ... He Has a Lot of Secrets. He'll Disappear From Time to Time. He'll Be Hard to Contact. Then One Day ... He Will Never Come Back.

"Big Boss
He is smart, cheerful and mysterious, but ... he has many secrets. It will disappear from time to time. It will be difficult to contact him. And one day ... he will no longer return. "

© @populadoRams (descendants of the Sun) 1.15
>> Tags: #New_Dorams_Descended_From_The_sun × #thedescendanthsun × # descendants_Frees × #populadoSQuotes × #Songhyekyo × #Songjoongki × #Songcouple × #jingoo × #kimjiwon
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