- 1997-06-22-Sony Music Entertainment Center In Camden, New Jersey
- 2002-09-21-MGM Grand Arena, Las Vegas, NV
- 2112
- 2112 inx
- 2112- A Passage to Bangkok
- A Farewell To Kings
- Afterimage
- Alien Shore
- Anagram
- Animate
- Anthem May
- Available Light
- Bastille Day
- Best I Can
- Between Sun and Moon
- Bravado
- BU2B2
- Caravan
- Chain Lightning
- Cinderella Man
- Closer To The Heart
- Cold Fire
- Cold fire
- Crossroads
- Cut to the Chase
- Cygnus X-1
- Different Strings
- Digital Man
- Double Agent
- Dreamline
- Driven
- Entre Nous
- Face Up
- Faithless
- Far Cry
- Finding My Way
- Flight by night
- Fly By Night
- Force Ten
- Free Will
- Ghost of a Chance
- Good News First
- Headlong Flight
- Here Again
- I Miss you
- I Think I'm Going Bald
- In the End
- In The Mood
- Jacob's Ladder
- La Villa Strangiato
- Lakeside Park
- Limelight
- Manhattan Project
- Mumkin nahi
- Natural Science
- Need Some Love
- Neurotica
- New World Man
- Nobody's Hero
- One Little Victory
- Presto
- Prime Mover
- Red Barchetta
- Red Sector A - Grace Under Pressure 1984
- Red Tide
- Resist
- Scars
- Secret Touch
- Seven Cities of Gold
- Show Don't Tell
- Something for Nothing
- Spindrift
- Spirit of the Radio
- Stick It Out
- Superconductor
- Tai Shan
- Take A Friend
- Test For Echo Albany N.Y.U.S.A. Knickerbocker Arena Test for Echo tour 1996
- The Big Money
- The Big Wheel
- The Body Electric
- The Camera Eye
- The Color Of Right
- The Enemy Within
- The Fountain of Lamneth
- The Necromancer
- The Pass
- The Speed of Love
- The Spirit Of Radio
- The Stars Look Down
- The Trees
- The Twilight Zone
- The Wreckers
- Time Stand Still
- Tom Sawyer
- Totem
- Virtuality
- Vital Signs
- War Paint
- Witch Hunt
- Working Man
- Xanadu
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