The Cat Empire
- All Hell
- All That Talking
- Am I Wrong
- Anymore
- Beanni
- Beyond All
- Brighter than Gold
- Bulls
- Call Me Home
- Daggers Drawn
- Down At The 303
- Eagle
- emp
- Falling
- Feeling's Gone
- Fishies
- Going to Live
- Hello
- Hotel California
- How To Explain
- In My Pocket
- Kila
- Know Your Name
- Like a Drum
- Lonely Moon
- Luck Song
- Lullaby
- Manifesto
- Midnight
- Miserere
- Miss Soul
- Motion
- No Longer There
- No Mountain
- No Sense
- Nothing
- On My Way
- One Four Five
- Open Up Your Face
- Panama
- Protons, Neutrons, Electrons
- Radio Song
- Rhyme And Reason
- Rising With The Sun
- Saturday Night
- Shoulders
- Side To Side
- Sly
- So Long
- So Many Nigts
- Sola
- Song For Elias
- Song For The Day
- Strong Coffee
- The Car Song
- The Chariot
- The Conspiracy
- The Crowd
- The Darkness
- The Lost Song
- The Lost Song - Потерянная песня
- The Mother Place
- The Night That Never End
- The Return
- The Rhythm
- The Wine Song
- Voodoo Cowboy
- Waiting
- Waltz
- Wandering
- Wanted To Write A Love Song
- Wolves
- Won't Be Afraid